Health Care Workers Are Entitled to the Highest Level of Protection Possible

Marjolaine Aubé is President of the Union of Workers at the Integrated Health and Social Services Centre of Laval (CISSS de Laval-CSN).

Workers' Forum: What is the situation at the CISSS in Laval regarding the outbreaks of COVID-19?

Marjolaine Aubé: We are recovering from an outbreak at the Idola-Saint-Jean residential and long-term care centre (CHSLD) during which 31 patients and 35 workers were infected, including orderlies and housekeeping staff. Sixteen patients died and the others recovered. There were no deaths among the employees. All of them recovered, but some have after-effects such as headaches, shortness of breath and chronic fatigue. Employees and patients in Idola-Saint-Jean are being tested three times a week. So far, the outbreak has subsided.

At the CHSLD Fernand-Larocque, we have had two workers infected.

For the moment, we have no other cases of infection. However, we fear a resumption of outbreaks after the holiday season if public health rules are not respected.

WF: What are your main demands right now to curb COVID-19?

MA: Our main demand is that adequate personal protective equipment be provided to health care workers. We have in mind mainly N95 masks to counter the aerosol transmission of the virus, the airborne transmission. More and more researchers and organizations are saying that COVID-19 is also transmitted by aerosols, especially in closed, overcrowded rooms without adequate ventilation. The World Health Organization, the Public Health Agency of Canada and other organizations have reported the risk of aerosol transmission. In our CISSS, many ventilation systems are outdated, especially in our CHSLDs and even more so in our Youth Centre. We want the N95 mask to be accessible to all health care personnel. For now, the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) still denies that this needs to be done.

We have received confirmation that in Laval, in a warehouse, there is currently an inventory of 415,000 N95 masks. The inventory is controlled by the government. We are only allowed to have N95 masks in certain cases; for example, in Intensive Care if the patient is intubated. We made an offer to the CEO to do a pilot project in Laval. We want to provide all staff in the red zones with N95 masks to see if it will make a difference. We hope the pilot project will go ahead. We are also asking for ventilation reports everywhere, an air quality assessment. We filed a complaint with Labour Standards, Pay Equity and Workplace Health and Safety Board (CNESST) about the red zone at Fernand-Larocque and they had to improve the air quality.

With respect to the CNESST, the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) filed a motion in court requesting a ruling that the CNESST inspectors must do their job according to the law and not just on the basis of INSPQ recommendations. The complaint is not directed against CNESST per se, but to reinforce its adherence to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). CNESST inspectors tell us that it is no longer the law that takes precedence in their work but the recommendations of the INSPQ, which change regularly. However, the health and safety legislation requires that employers provide all necessary protections to ensure the health and safety of workers and CNESST is bound to enforce the law.

We are also advocating the creation of a public enterprise in Quebec for the production of PPE, laboratory equipment and respirators. It is not right that we should be dependent on anyone, multinational corporations or countries, when it comes to having the necessary equipment. We must be self-sufficient in this area. This proposal was put forward by a CSN union advisor and the executive of the CSN union at the McGill University Health Centre and we fully support it.

WF: Do you want to say something in conclusion?

MA: Our slogan is "We're not giving up on anything!" We're fighting for N95 masks and we're fighting for everything that concerns the health and safety of workers and the public.

(Translated from original French by Workers' Forum. Photos: FSSS-CSN.)

This article was published in

Number 79 - November 19, 2020

Article Link:
Health Care Workers Are Entitled to the Highest Level of Protection Possible - Interview, Marjolaine Aubé


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