Measures Put Forward by Saskatchewan Health Care Workers

Western Canada is now experiencing a COVID-19 surge which is much more serious than the first wave. Saskatchewan now has the fourth highest active COVID-19 case rate per 100,000 people in the country, with Manitoba the highest, followed by Alberta second and Quebec third. Saskatchewan is now averaging more than 150 cases per day. There are 1,928 active cases of COVID-19 in the province and 68 people are in hospital province-wide, including 16 in ICUs.

Thirty-one people have died of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan since the pandemic began. The low number of deaths compared to other provinces is attributed to the relative success in keeping COVID-19 out of long-term care facilities, personal care homes and seniors' residences. But 10 seniors' facilities have reported outbreaks in the past 10 days, and health care unions are calling on the province to act now.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Saskatchewan on November 13 called for immediate action to protect workers and families from the spread of COVID-19. Pointing to the outbreak in a long-term care facility in Indian Head, CUPE called for mandatory masking for small towns as well as cities, where it is already in place.

"We all need to be taking extraordinary steps to protect each other from the spread of this virus -- and to protect the frontline workers who are sacrificing so much to be there when we need them," said Judy Henley, President of CUPE Saskatchewan. "That is why this government should implement a province-wide mandatory masking policy in indoor public places immediately."

Organizations representing registered nurses, pharmacists and physicians also issued a joint statement calling for:

- mandatory masks in indoor public spaces extended throughout Saskatchewan;
- targeted closing of bars and nightclubs until the surge is blunted;
- redoubling of efforts to test and trace.

As a result of the active intervention of doctors and health care workers, on November 17 the government of Saskatchewan amended its orders and made masks mandatory province wide.

"We believe three measures are essential to drive the numbers down again and allow the fullest possible resumption of normal activities. Importantly, they are all essential -- think of them as the three pillars that support the entire containment structure," the statement said.

Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) President Tracy Zambory called on the provincial government to listen to health care workers, noting that Saskatchewan is surrounded on all sides by soaring COVID-19 case both in Canada and in the U.S. border states.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU)-West President Barbara Cape said that all staff, including members working in long-term care, diagnostic testing and as care aides are affected. Workers are already at the point of exhaustion, she said, with a worker reporting she had worked 20 shifts without a day off. SEIU-West and SUN are calling on the province to enact necessary measures now to ensure staff are not overwhelmed and there are enough staff to care for patients, do contact tracing and other essential work.

(Photo: Unifor)

This article was published in

Number 79 - November 19, 2020

Article Link:
Measures Put Forward by Saskatchewan Health Care Workers


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