Workers in Action Across Canada to Contain COVID-19

Firm Opposition to the Untenable Status Quo

As infections from the second wave of COVID-19 continue to rise dramatically across Canada, more provinces are seeing record-breaking numbers of infections, hospitalizations and deaths.

Faced with a mounting health crisis that is reaching proportions far greater than what Canadians faced in the spring, governments at all levels are failing to take up their responsibility to protect the well-being of the people. Instead of using the lessons learned from the first wave of the pandemic, provincial governments are using emergency measures to attack workers' rights and impose pay-the-rich schemes which they claim are "building back the economy."

As far as implementing the measures necessary to fight the pandemic the status quo prevails with a refusal by provincial governments to follow the guidelines of public health experts and listen to the experience of frontline workers who know exactly what is needed in this crucial situation. The important and urgent actions needed now are being suppressed under the blackmail that if all health and safety measures are taken to protect everyone, this will amount to shutting down the economy. This is the untenable status quo that people are rejecting.

It is an excuse being given to justify doing nothing. Instead of using available resources to build up the capacity to do more testing and establishing an organized tracking and tracing system to identify sources of infection, the premiers of Alberta and Ontario, among others, continue to claim that the main issue is "individual responsibility" to follow the guidelines. Such attempts to blame the people cannot hide the fact that these governments are continuing to fail to meet the needs of the people at this crucial time. Instead of finding solutions they are actually a block to having the discussion needed to find solutions to the problems we face. And this is indeed how the system works -- it deliberately blocks the people from exercising their right to govern the society they depend on for their living and well-being and that of society itself. 

It recently came to light that some public health officials who provided advice to the Premier of Ontario were even asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement to prevent them from speaking publicly about the discussion that took place.

In Alberta, more than 430 doctors together with the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees, the Health Sciences Association of Alberta and the United Nurses of Alberta have signed an open letter sent to Premier Kenney and the health minister urging immediate action. The letter states:

"We believe that the conversation should not be framed as a choice between 'lockdown' akin to the prolonged experience in April-June or no mandatory restrictions.

"Instead the province should consider a two-week short sharp lockdown to drop the effective reproductive number and allow contact tracing to catch up. We believe it is time we had a clear direction from our provincial government. We need rules not suggestions."

This is a critical moment in which urgent action must be taken.

What is crucial is the mobilization of the working class and people to raise the demand from coast to coast that what workers are demanding in terms of measures that must be taken to contain the disease must be implemented. The Criminal Code defines "criminal negligence" as conduct "that shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons." The alarming figures regarding new cases and deaths due to COVID-19 across the country and especially in the "hot spot" zones, as well as the false report submitted by management on staffing levels at one long-term care home in Manitoba, leaves no doubt that it was the wanton disregard for the lives of others by those in "control" that allowed staffing levels to drop to "such a level of criminal negligence." Activating  the human factor/social consciousness by raising the demand  that what the workers are asking for must be implemented can protect the people at this time by hitting at the block to providing the serious problems facing us with solutions. 

This issue of Workers' Forum reports on stands taken by workers, doctors and others across the country.

(Photo: Unifor)

This article was published in

Number 79 - November 19, 2020

Article Link:
Workers in Action Across Canada to Contain COVID-19: Firm Opposition to the Untenable Status Quo


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