Union of Provincial Employees President Congratulates Members

Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) President Guy Smith spoke to workers about their October 26 strike in a video posted on the AUPE site.

"This week AUPE workers took a heroic stand against some of the biggest bullies Alberta has ever faced. In a single day you drew national attention to the privatization agenda of the UCP government. In a single day you showed your neighbours and fellow workers how collective strength pulls whole communities together. In a single day, you gained unprecedented public awareness and support. You made a real difference in a single day. But we know the fight to save jobs and preserve Alberta's most critical public services is not won in a single day. It's a long haul. It takes the kind of guts and determination that you all showed with such bravery on October 26," Smith said.

"I feel proud of you for taking the stand that you chose to take. I feel a growing sense of resistance and a growing sense of courage to fight to save jobs. [...]

"These struggles are won over time, not in a single day," Smith said, "and continue to fight we will!"

To see the complete video, click here.

(Photo: Progress Alberta.)

This article was published in

Number 76 - November 10, 2020

Article Link:
Union of Provincial Employees President Congratulates Members


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