Unions Speak Out in Defence of Striking Workers


Many unions expressed their solidarity with striking Alberta hospital workers, who walked out to demand the United Conservative Party (UCP) government withdraw the 11,000 layoffs it announced, and joined the workers on the picket lines. Workers' Forum is providing excerpts from some of the messages of support.

Alberta Teachers' Association

"When the government and Alberta Health Services decided to cut 11,000 jobs -- in the middle of a pandemic -- they left these workers with no other choice. These heroes, at their own personal risk, have been standing up for us and fighting the pandemic head-on, and they deserve support and encouragement instead of disrespect and the threats of job losses. We stand with them," said Jason Schilling, President of the Alberta Teachers' Association. He also encouraged teachers to visit the picket lines.

Canadian Union of Postal Workers

"The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) stands in solidarity with striking health care workers and against the anti-labour government of Jason Kenney and its bid to deeply slash jobs, erode working conditions, and trample union rights. In the midst of the worst pandemic in a century, health workers have tirelessly provided the care needed to the Alberta population. The Kenney government's plans to eliminate 11,000 unionized health care positions, outsourcing them to the private sector, will have the opposite effect, leaving Albertans more vulnerable, and crippling an already fragile economy," the statement from CUPW said.

"CUPW calls on the labour movement to stand firm against neo-liberal bullying and anti-union governments and continue to mount a robust and coordinated response in the face of such threats."

Canadian Union of Public Employees

"CUPE is in full support of Alberta health care workers who are protesting their loss of jobs at the hands of the Kenney government. The people who work in health care are the heroes of the pandemic. They risk their own health to keep the rest of us safe. These workers are being attacked by Jason Kenney who wants to fire them, and then rehire some of them into lower paying jobs after stripping them of their pension plan.

"Alberta Health care workers have been through this before. Previous conservative governments have tried this routine only to admit it caused too much chaos and disruption. And that was when there wasn't a pandemic. Jason Kenney needs to stand down. Jason Kenney needs to cancel his plan to fire 11,000 health care workers. Click here to tell Jason Kenney to protect these workers!"

Health Sciences Association of Alberta

"HSAA supports AUPE workers who are standing up against Kenney's health care cuts that were heartlessly announced in the midst of this pandemic," said Mike Parker, President of the Health Sciences Association of Alberta.

"Health care workers have been working tirelessly to keep Albertans safe and they have been rewarded with threats to their jobs by a government that is hell-bent on ripping apart our public health care system. The blame for any disruption to patient care that may occur today needs to land squarely at the feet of Jason Kenney and the UCP," Parker added.

United Nurses of Alberta

Many nurses joined the picket lines during their breaks, and United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) issued a statement saying, "UNA supports the health care workers who are defending the principle of public health care and opposing the efforts of the Kenney government to undermine the public health care system and destroy thousands of jobs. UNA members will not do the work of other union members. [...]

"The Government of Alberta has created this crisis in the midst of a global pandemic when it should be supporting health care workers who are risking their lives to keep Albertans safe," the UNA said.


Unifor issued a statement giving its full support to the striking hospital workers. "In his brief time in office, Jason Kenney has criminalized dissent, imported the worst of American labour law, and made devastating cutbacks to public services during a pandemic. He must be stopped," said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. "Unifor stands in solidarity with all of the health care workers standing up for their jobs and for public services."

United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 401

"Frontline hospital workers are taking action in protest against injustice and massive cuts to public health care that will impact all Albertans. As Alberta's union for food workers, the struggle of frontline health care workers during this pandemic is a struggle with which we empathize and understand.

"The right of workers to strike and withdraw labour in protest is the essential ingredient of a democratic society, and workers have always found ways of confronting injustice in the ways that they find most effective.

"It has been reported that striking workers are calling for job security against the outsourcing of their jobs to the private sector, addressing short-staffing issues, stopping the privatization of Alberta's public health care system, and no retaliation for taking a stand in defence of public health care. Their demands are about protecting the public interest during the pandemic, and once again, we see workers courageously leading the charge," UFCW Local 401 President Thomas Hesse said.

(Photos: UNA, AUPE)

This article was published in

Number 75 - November 5, 2020

Article Link:
Unions Speak Out in Defence of Striking Workers


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