Workers Defend Their Rights and Public Health Care

Broad Support for Alberta Hospital Workers

October 31, 2020. Seniors and Social Workers for Social Justice supporting hospital workers.

The walkouts October 26 at hospitals and health care centres by members of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees have been met with a tremendous wave of support right across the province. The demands of the workers to stop the 11,000 layoffs the United Conservative Party (UCP) government has announced, and to reverse and stop further privatization, are receiving widespread support, while the UCP government's attacks on the workers are being met with utter contempt. Many people are also calling on Alberta Health Services to cease and desist from its threats to punish the workers.

In criminalizing the workers, Finance Minister Travis Toews stated, "Going forward we expect that all unions respect the bargaining process and stop putting Albertans' safety at risk. [...] We will not tolerate illegal strike activity." He also said the workers and the union would "be held accountable" for the strike.

This is the height of hypocrisy and shows the shamelessness of the UCP government which rips up contracts, passes one bill after another to attack workers rights, and announces 11,000 layoffs to hand over critical public services to private interests.

The response to the UCP government's attempt to blame the workers who are defending the right to health care was swift. How dare the government suggest that they are the ones who are concerned about public safety, people have responded. How dare they accuse our health care workers, our heroes! It is the government that must be held accountable! Health care workers show their concern for their patients every day through their deeds, by putting their health and lives on the line. They are the ones who work tirelessly to try and keep the health care system functioning despite all the destruction caused by decades of neo-liberal wrecking.

Many people are also speaking out to thank health care workers for their courage, and alerting everyone to the grave dangers, chaos and destruction which the UCP is hell-bent on carrying out. Every day since October 27, seniors have organized information pickets in front of the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. On October 31 they were joined by Social Workers for Social Justice. The unions and associations of faculty and staff in post-secondary education are organizing information pickets in Edmonton and Athabasca on November 5. Pickets are also being organized for 6:15 am on the same day in Edmonton and Calgary to greet the first shift as they come to work.

Many organizations have issued statements of support; people are speaking out on social media and in neighbourhood forums, signing petitions, writing their MLAs, writing letters to the editor, and taking a stand in many other ways.

An important aspect of this growing resistance is that people are speaking in their own name and activating their peers, fellow workers, active and retired, and organizations. An important conclusion is that the workers must rely on their own thinking and their own organization, discussing and summing up what their actions have accomplished and going to the next, keeping the initiative in their own hands.

(Photos: WF, AUPE)

This article was published in

Number 75 - November 5, 2020

Article Link:
Workers Defend Their Rights and Public Health Care: Broad Support for Alberta Hospital Workers - Peggy Morton


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