One Year of Government Refusal to Negotiate with Public Sector Workers

The Quebec Government's Irresponsible and Dangerous Position

The Quebec government is taking a dangerous and irresponsible stand with regard to Quebec public sector workers' attempts to negotiate new collective agreements. Although their collective agreements expired on March 31, 2020, after more than a year at the negotiation table with the government and their employers, nothing has moved.

On the one hand, the Quebec government has shown no intention of withdrawing its March 21 ministerial order which gives the executive the power to cancel all negotiated collective agreements for workers in the health and social services sector, so that it can change working conditions at will. The Legault government has been very quiet about this aspect of the ministerial orders. Clearly this acts as a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of workers, as any collective agreement they negotiate can be rendered null and void. The Legault government must immediately withdraw this ministerial order.

Meanwhile, for over a year now, the same government has refused to negotiate with public sector workers on the basis of their demands. On this it has been very manipulative. Government claims it wants new collective agreements to be signed as soon as possible so that full attention can be paid to the pandemic and hopes that an agreement is possible with the unions. At the same time, at the bargaining tables, it invokes the same worn out neo-liberal arguments put forward by governments for over 30 years, that its fiscal framework is tight and is even making demands for concessions.

In doing so, not only is it negating the rights and just demands of workers, it is also placing their safety and that of the communities at risk, as these demands are the necessary ingredient to overcome the second wave of the pandemic, the government's professed aim! Workers can see that the anti-social offensive that has wrecked the society for over thirty years is being pursued within the conditions of this crisis, with this crisis being used as the pretext.

The argument of a tight fiscal framework does not hold. It is based on the false claim that the pandemic must unavoidably lead to an economic collapse, the burden of which is to be shifted onto the people. This framework has been decided by the cartel parties on the basis of the demand that the rich must be paid under all circumstances. People have no say in what is referred to as the "framework."

This is the time to think and act in favour of the people and the society in this difficult situation. The demands of the public sector must be met, both as a matter of rights and of urgency. Public discussion must take place to examine how to get the necessary public revenue to finance public services, including providing public sector workers with the wages and working conditions they require to provide the services. The demand to Stop Paying the Rich; Increase Investments in Social Programs! provides a guideline for action within these circumstances. Preconceived notions that there is no alternative to the neo-liberal wrecking of society and that we must abandon our demands must be rejected.

All out to demand that real negotiations be held with public sector workers on the basis of their demands!

(Photos: FSSS-CSN, SIEU, J-F Couto)

This article was published in

Number 73 - October 27, 2020

Article Link:
One Year of Government Refusal to Negotiate with Public Sector Workers: The Quebec Government's Irresponsible and Dangerous Position - Pierre Chénier


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