Registered Nurses Demand Minimum Nursing Home Basic Care Standards

Following the federal Speech from the Throne, the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) called on the federal government to model long-term care standards on the Minimum Nursing Home Basic Care protocols developed by RNAO, protocols the Ontario government continues to ignore.

RNAO's minimum standard of care would ensure that each long-term care home provide a minimum of four worked hours of direct nursing and personal care for each resident per 24 hours, according to the following staff mix formula:

- a minimum of 48 minutes of worked hours of direct care from a registered nurse (RN)

- a minimum of 60 minutes of direct care from a registered practical nurse (RPN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN)

- a minimum of 132 minutes of direct care from a personal support worker (PSW)

It also set out minimum staffing requirements, including: one full-time equivalent (FTE) nurse practitioner (NP) per 120 residents; one FTE nursing staff member (preferably an RN) to support the functions of infection prevention and control, quality improvement, staff education, onboarding and orientation; mandate that staff (RN, RPN/LPN, PSW) only work in one long-term care home; ensure salaries for nurses and personal support workers in long-term care are commensurate with those paid to health workers in other sectors, such as hospitals; and ensure full-time employment with benefits is offered to staff who want full-time work, enabling continuity of care for residents and improved staff retention.

This article was published in

Number 66 - October 1, 2020

Article Link:
Registered Nurses Demand Minimum Nursing Home Basic Care Standards


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