October 8 Day of Action on Long-Term Care in Ontario

Support the Demands for Immediate Improvement of Conditions

Action by long-term care workers, July 3, 2020.

The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) together with frontline care and elder care advocacy organizations are holding a Day of Action on Long-Term Care in Ontario on October 8 at 11:00. Seventeen cities have announced events as of September 30. With close to 2,000 deaths of residents and staff in Ontario long-term care facilities since April, a second wave officially underway and precious little done to remedy the conditions that claimed the lives of so many, Workers' Forum calls on everyone to go all out in support of the OHC's demands for immediate action.

The OHC is calling for immediate action by the Ford government to recruit and train staff, improve pay and working conditions and provide full-time work and to implement a minimum care standard of four hours of hands-on care per resident per day. These are all critical demands for the care of patients and well-being of caregivers.

In keeping with current public health restriction of a maximum of 25 people for outdoor gatherings, the Day of Action will take the form of motorcades and press conferences. Participants are asked to be in their cars and make themselves visible by affixing signs and decorating your car (safely) with messages about the need to improve long-term care and make it public.

People are asked to contact their local health coalition to confirm attendance. More events are being organized every day. Visit the Ontario Health Coalition website for updates.

To see the up-to-date list of sponsoring organizations and endorses, click here

This article was published in

Number 66 - October 1, 2020

Article Link:
October 8 Day of Action on Long-Term Care in Ontario: Support the Demands for Immediate Improvement of Conditions


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