Striking Ledcor Workers' "Drive for Dignity"

Port Coquitlam
Rally to Mark One Year on Strike Against Ledcor

September 30 -- 10:30 am - 12:00 noon
1435 Broadway Street

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers' Local 213, which represents the workers on strike against Ledcor Technical Services (LTS) announced on September 16:

"September 30th will mark a full year that we have been 'On Strike' against LTS. Members have remained strong on the lines, both at the downtown offices and across the street from our very Local, in the fight for a first agreement with this employer. Federal Labour code has given LTS time and leeway to extend this labour dispute, while they use SCABS to keep their business operating. The use of replacement workers must cease! Federal Labour Board hearings are scheduled for October. Please take some time to support and stand strong with these members as we approach this important time. The New Westminster and District Labour Council has assisted in organizing this COVID friendly drive for dignity. If you can make it by for a loop or two in your vehicle to wave and honk in solidarity, it will help immensely to demonstrate the spirit of our community and unionism to these workers, as they roll through 365 days of fighting for better working conditions and the dignity they deserve."

The Ledcor workers in Port Coquitlam went on strike on September 30, 2019. The strike was provoked by the mass firing of 31 workers following a union meeting where members took a strike vote to put pressure on the company to get serious about negotiating. The workers are seeking a first contract which provides for job security and acceptable wages and working conditions. The union was certified as the bargaining agent for the workers more than two years ago and the strike vote was taken after months without progress in bargaining with LTS.

For one year the workers have been picketing daily outside the LTS production facility as well as picketing the Ledcor head office in downtown Vancouver and sending flying pickets to sites where LTS scabs are working. They have been supported throughout by the community and other unions including the United Steelworkers, BC Building Trades, the New Westminster and District Labour Council, and others.

Picket at Ledcor, December 10, 2019.

The workers' main work is the installation of fibre-optic cable. LTS contracts with Telus and other major communications companies to do this work. The LTS technicians are paid on a piece work basis which puts pressure on them to speed up, putting themselves and the public in danger. Telus also employs its own technicians who work on the fibre-optic network, who are paid hourly rates and have better working conditions than the Ledcor technicians. The Telus workers, members of USW Local 1944, have supported the striking Ledcor workers and all the workers know that the lowering of standards, wages and working conditions is an incentive for the monopolies like Telus to contract out more and more work in a "race-to-the-bottom." The telecommunications monopolies would like nothing better than to eliminate the permanent workforce and turn all technicians into individual "independent contractors" who would have no protection under the Canada Labour Code (federal) or the Employment Standards Act (BC).

The union has asked the Canada Labour Board to intervene and settle the terms and conditions of a first collective agreement as specified in section 80 (1)-(4) of the Canada Labour Code which allows the board to "inquire into the dispute and, if the board considers it advisable, to settle the terms and conditions of the first collective agreement between the parties." A hearing before the Board is not scheduled until October although the union's request was sent in December 2019.

Join the rally on September 30! Drivers are asked to drive around the LTS building at 1435 Broadway Street in Port Coquitlam and those who are walking should wear masks and practice physical distancing.

(Photos: WF, IBEW 213)

This article was published in

Number 64 - September 24, 2020

Article Link:
Striking Ledcor Workers' "Drive for Dignity"


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