Militant Canada-Wide Actions in Defence of Migrant Rights

Permanent Status for All Now!

Picket outside the Toronto constituency office of the Minister of Immigration Marco Mendicino, September 20, 2020.

Actions were held across Canada on September 18, 19 and 20 to press the demand for Status For All! There were marches, rallies, pickets (in front of the constituency offices of the Prime Minister in Montreal and the Minister of Immigration in Toronto, as well as other MPs), online rallies and banner drops in many cities, including St. John's, Halifax, Charlottetown, Fredericton, Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, St. Catharines, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Kelowna and Vancouver.

These actions, along with an open letter issued by the Migrant Rights Network and supported by more than 300 organizations, came just ahead of the reconvening of Parliament on September 23. Status for All! means that the federal government must put an end to categorizing and discriminating against people seeking to establish status in Canada. No One Is Illegal. Status is necessary for one and all -- migrant workers, undocumented workers, refugee claimants and international students -- to access health care and education, for family reunification, to ensure basic protections and services.

Migrant workers are essential workers, part of the Canadian working class. They are the mainstay in some sectors including agriculture, food processing, seniors' care and child care, the hospitality industry, academic research, etc., yet a myriad of barriers are erected to block them from achieving permanent resident status and citizenship. It is a matter of principle that if people are good enough to work or to study in Canada they are good enough to have full status.

The ruling circles, their political representatives, mass media and others talk a lot about "building back better" from the pandemic and how the changing international situation requires Canada to champion human rights. The image presented is laughable. Canada lectures Venezuela, China and others about "human rights abuses," interferes in the internal affairs of others, supports dictatorial regimes like that of Duterte in the Philippines, arms the Saudi regime to suppress its own people and wage war on Yemen, while the Indigenous peoples, temporary foreign workers and immigrants, refugees and other sections of the working class are denied basic rights.

Holding governments to account is an issue for all Canadians. First and foremost, it means using one's own voice and taking a stand in defence of the rights of all. Status for All! is one such demand. Accountability begins at home!

(Photos: WF, Migrant Rights Network)

This article was published in

Number 64 - September 24, 2020

Article Link:
Militant Canada-Wide Actions in Defence of Migrant Rights: Permanent Status for All Now!


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