Toronto School Board Objects to Administering an Unsafe Plan

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB), Canada's largest school board, put forward two proposals to the Ontario government for re-opening, both of which have been rejected. Both plans would have reduced class sizes in elementary schools which under the government's current plan are set to be the same as under normal conditions. Reducing class sizes is a key demand for ensuring physical distancing is possible, as recommended by medical experts, which thus far the government has ignored for elementary-aged children. 

The TDSB's plans had students being dismissed earlier than normal, which would have permitted students to be with their homeroom teacher the full day and then would have freed up rotary teachers to take homeroom classes instead of going from class to class, increasing the number of classes in a school and therefore reducing class sizes. Their first plan requested a $200 million investment in order to hire the staff required to ensure physical distancing would be possible. Their second plan proposed to use some government funding and some school board reserves as well as moving teachers who were seconded to other assignments back into the classroom. However the TDSB indicated that this plan would still not meet the required 15-20 students in a class to ensure physical distancing.

The government rejected both plans, claiming the reason it was unwilling to put forward the funds required was because the plans did not maximize the time students spent in class. It said it would not accept plans which would see earlier dismissals. In other words, the government wants to keep students in school as long as is possible rather than ensuring that class sizes are small and that teachers and education workers are able to deliver the education and supports students require. This means that its aim is to turn education into the housing of students in an unsafe environment to free up parents to work, rather than to open schools in a manner which affirms the right of the youth to education in the conditions of a pandemic.

(Photo: J. Campbell)

This article was published in

Number 56 - August 27, 2020

Article Link:
Toronto School Board Objects to Administering an Unsafe Plan


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