Education Workers United Hold Forum to Discuss Safe Return to Schools

Thursday, August 27 -- 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Education Workers United is holding an open online forum under the theme "Organizing a Safe September for All " to discuss the safe return to schools.

They have issued the following call for the forum:

"Education Workers! On August 9th, over 300 Ontario education workers came together to plan what we need for a #SafeSeptember. Since then our campaign has exploded! With only a few weeks until school starts, there is still much more to do -- Join us:

"At this forum, you will:

"Hear from a variety of education workers about significant safety issues

"Learn about tools and resources to help you and your coworkers take action

"Hear from a labour lawyer about your right to refuse unsafe work

"When we organize with our co-workers and our communities to build our power, we can force this government to fund a #SafeSeptember."

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This article was published in

Number 56 - August 27, 2020

Article Link:
Education Workers United Hold Forum to Discuss Safe Return to Schools


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