New Brunswick Landfill Workers

Workers' Persistence in Defence of Rights Prevails! Congratulations!

Workers' Forum congratulates CUPE Local 4193 Red Pine Landfill workers and their supporters throughout New Brunswick and the country for defeating the 24-week long lockout of the workers.[1] Local CUPE 4193 President Serge Plourde announced that its 23 members emerged from the battle on July 28 with their heads held high and a collective agreement that does not include the anti-worker concessions the regional government officials had demanded.

The lockout of Red Pine landfill workers began on February 23 and was immediately widely denounced throughout northern New Brunswick. The members of Local 4193 organized numerous community events and a nationwide petition demanding justice, No to the Use of Scabs! and No to Anti-Worker Concessions!

President Serge Plourde told New Brunswick Media Co-op on July 30, "The union bargaining team made no concessions at the table and received improvements in their contract language as well as a wage increase."

The employer, the Chaleur Regional Service Commission (CRSC), had demanded changes in the existing collective agreement to end unpaid leave for union business and to make adverse changes to the sick leave provisions. The anti-worker changes to sick leave were particularly vile coming during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CRSC came under intense pressure from residents throughout the region and eventually withdrew their demand for changes to union leave and both sides agreed on revised wording for the sick leave clause and an increase in wages. The new collective agreement is retroactive to December 2017 and continues to December 2022.

President Plourde said, "Forcing the employer to remove their demand for changes to union leave was a significant win, and necessary to fight off future attacks on unions in the province. It sends a strong message that unions will stand up for the rights of their members; it's a win for everyone."

The new agreement was negotiated days after 120 community members gathered in Allardville on July 14 to demonstrate their strong support for the members of Local 4193 and denounce the CRSC for using a lockout and scabs in an attempt to force through anti-worker concessions. Many in attendance then marched to the gates of the landfill where they rallied and voiced their demand for a public landfill staffed with local unionized workers who have the right to a collective say over their living and working conditions.

NB Media Co-op reports that President Plourde "credits the win to the strong support by members of the local community as well as union locals and leaders across the province and country, including CUPE national leaders. During the dispute, community members packed several public meetings in support of the workers.... Plourde thanked all the local community members and union locals who demonstrated support and provided donations of food and funds during the long dispute and made it possible to hold the [picket] line until the end."

CUPE 4193 workers thank Allardville and St. Sauveur communities for their support during the lockout, July 30, 2020.

Quoted on the CUPE website, President Plourde said, "For the past six months, our members have held strong through a lockout unlike any other in Canadian history, and we won because we refused to settle for less. Sticking together and supporting one another, and the outpouring of support from our community and our union sisters and brothers across New Brunswick and across Canada, is what got us through this uphill battle."

For six months, the CRSC replaced members of Local 4193 at the landfill with scabs; it sought and gained an unjust court injunction limiting the Local's picket line to a maximum of six people at a time; it demanded the right to interfere in union affairs and to weaken sick leave provisions. Despite the obstacles, the Allardville Red Pine Landfill workers have emerged having defeated the concessions and with their local union stronger than ever and more united with the community and fellow workers and allies across the country.

Congratulations to CUPE Local 4193 members and leadership and all their supporters!


1. For Workers' Forum articles on Local 4193's struggle see:

- "Workers Locked Out Despite Emergency," March 27, 2020
- "Unacceptable Anti-Worker Actions of Ruling Elites, Pierre Chénier, March 27, 2020
- "Landfill Workers in Allardville, New Brunswick Continue to Demand Acceptable Collective Agreement," May 19, 2020

(With files from CUPE and NB Media Co-Op. Photos: S. Plourde, CUPE)

This article was published in

Number 53 - August 6, 2020

Article Link:
New Brunswick Landfill Workers: Workers' Persistence in Defence of Rights Prevails! Congratulations!


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