Discussion on a New Direction for the Economy

The Demand for a New Pro-Social Direction for the Economy and Country Begins to Take Hold

The demand to stop paying the rich and increase investments in social programs is taking hold in Canada with various unions adding their voices to the discussion and making demands. The need to increase investments in social programs and set a new pro-social direction for the economy and for the working people to control the decisions which affect their lives is very great. Workers' Forum calls on all workers to add their voices by raising their own demands and claims on what belongs to them by right.

In a press release the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) comments on the Alternative Federal Budget Recovery Plan released by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) on July 21.

PSAC joins with the CCPA in calling for "an investment-based approach" to recover from the current economic crisis. Crucial in the recovery, PSAC says, is to recognize that the crisis has "severely impacted women and Black, Indigenous and racialized families and workers." In warning against austerity measures, PSAC says a focus is needed on "action to ensure that in the next months and years we correct the deepening crisis that Canadians are facing."

Affordable Child Care

A key sector for public investment, PSAC says, is affordable child care, "which includes $4.5 billion for early learning and child care." To accomplish this requires construction of an "accessible, affordable, quality, inclusive system of early learning and child care" where workers receive wages and benefits befitting educators.

Modernize Employment Insurance

PSAC insists that a radical improvement to the employment insurance (EI) system was "already necessary prior to the pandemic and has become critical." Changes to EI "would improve access by reducing qualifying hours, raise benefit rates and weeks and ensure that those with responsibilities to care for others have access to specific benefits."

Security for Post-Secondary Students and Workers

PSAC writes that investments must be made to make tuition free for post-secondary students and increased funding must be made available for retraining and research. PSAC says post-secondary education should be universal, accessible and come under public administration.

Keep Public Services Public

PSAC calls for an end to privatization. Through an expanded public service an effort must be made to bring privatization to an end. Workers must be guaranteed wages and benefits agreeable to themselves such as paid sick leave and must be equipped with whatever they need to do their jobs safely.

PSAC calls for expansion of "public services such as seniors' care, childcare, and affordable housing" and demands that "infrastructure projects remain in public hands." Public services should be provided all the resources and personnel they need to meet the needs of the people and "correct the gaps in policy and service delivery that have been highlighted by the pandemic."

This article was published in

Number 52 - August 4, 2020

Article Link:
Discussion on a New Direction for the Economy: The Demand for a New Pro-Social Direction for the Economy and Country Begins to Take Hold


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