In the Name of Dealing with the Pandemic

Another Ministerial Dictate to Undermine Working Conditions of Health Care Workers in Quebec

Demonstration by health care workers, Mauricie, July 6, 2020.

The very first act undertaken by the new Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, formerly President of the Treasury Board, was the publication of a ministerial order that cancels parts of the collective agreements of health and social services workers, like a previous ministerial order did.[1] The new order purports to deal with the influx of new trainee orderlies in residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs). The Minister has imposed accelerated training which is truncated -- 375 hours of training instead of 870 hours which lead to the Diploma of Vocational Studies provided by the Ministry of Education. These trainees are to begin working in CHSLDs as of September 15.

The ministerial order imposes the following conditions on trainees and the unions:

"That the national and local provisions of the collective agreements in force in the health and social services network and the employment conditions that apply to non-unionized salaried personnel be amended as per the following conditions:

"(1) a lump sum of $5.00 per work shift, which may be divided into half shifts, is paid to the salaried person designated by his or her immediate superior to accompany candidates enrolled in training leading to an attestation of professional studies for health care facility patient service support. That salaried person holds one of the following job titles appearing in the List of Job Title classifications, wording, health and social services wage rates and scales: nurse; nursing assistant; orderly."

The ministerial order is unilaterally changing the duties of these workers which are outlined in their collective agreements. It is imposing an extra task on top of their normal duties and is forcing them to perform training which is normally done by professional staff whose job is to do training. There has been no negotiation, consultation or even discussion of this with those affected by the decision. Furthermore, orderlies are already overworked and suffering great stress due to their working conditions and the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. This order is bound to increase all these problems, putting the health and safety of the workers and of the patients further at risk. For all that extra work, they are getting an additional $5 a day per shift. This $5 is not considered a wage increase. It is a "bonus" which means it is not integral to the pension plan.

Who is going to take responsibility if accidents happen? Not the government, obviously. This order has nothing to do with dealing with the pandemic and everything to do with using the pandemic as a pretext for strengthening the arbitrary powers of the state. It is doing so at the expense of the working conditions of the workers and of their voice and therefore at the expense of the well-being of the patients.

Unions are happy to welcome the arrival of badly needed new staff, however they are opposed to the complete disregard for the workers' concerns and their right to a decisive say in their working conditions. Workers' Forum is publishing below an interview with Jeff Begley, President of the Federation of Health and Social Services (FSSS-CSN), which represents, amongst others, tens of thousands of orderlies.


1. For more information on the Quebec government's ministerial orders, read "Quebec Public Sector Workers Oppose Ministerial Use of Emergency Powers to Arbitrarily Set Working Conditions," Workers' Forum, April 7, 2020.

(Photos: FIQ)

This article was published in

Number 49 - July 16, 2020

Article Link:
In the Name of Dealing with the Pandemic: Another Ministerial Dictate to Undermine Working Conditions of Health Care Workers in Quebec


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