Alberta Retail Workers Defend Their Rights

Safeway Workers Vote in Favour of Strike Action

Alberta Safeway workers have given a resounding rejection to the insulting last "offer" received from Safeway. Members of United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 401, voted 79 per cent in favour of strike action in a province-wide, government-supervised vote which took place on June 25-26.

As soon as the vote was announced, workers starting posting messages of Solidarity!, fist emojis, and their positive reactions to the results on the UFCW Local 401 page. "I can't be more happy to hear this result! Good job brothers and sisters!" one worker wrote. "We are worth far more than Sobeys [who owns Safeway, -WF Ed.] is willing to not give us....takeaway takeaway takeaway and we are supposed to be happy with that. Well we have just given a strong, NO to Sobeys, now we have the mandate to push the company hard for a fair deal!!!" another wrote. "Stand strong," said a postal worker, with workers from other sectors expressing their support and encouragement.

Safeway workers post photos from strike votes across the province on UFCW Local 401's facebook page.

Safeway workers' collective agreement expired in 2017. The Union issued a bargaining update on July 1 informing that Sobeys has now agreed, following the strike vote, to go back to the bargaining table. Bargaining sessions are now scheduled be held the week of July 13 with the assistance of a government appointed mediator. Clearly, Safeway employees are not looking for a fight but they are demanding fairness, the update said. Sobeys is also taking steps to be in a position to lock out the workers.

The pandemic is shining a light on the wages and working conditions of the workers who ensure our food supply and provide essential services to society. Empire Company Limited which owns Sobeys and Safeway, like the other giant corporations who control wholesale and retail grocery trade, were quick to praise the workers as "heroes" and made much of the fact that they were increasing their wages. While the pandemic is far from over, all the supermarket chains have withdrawn pandemic pay while the workers continue to put themselves and their families at risk to go to work and make sure Canadians have access to the food and groceries they need.

Many supermarket workers are among the lowest paid workers in Canada. The cartels have imposed two-tier wage systems, part-time and precarious work and constantly try to expand the number of people working part-time, at or just above minimum wage, and with few or no benefits. The opening of "discount stores" is one tactic, with Sobeys carrying out a five-year plan to convert about 20 per cent of its stores to FreshCo stores. The concept of a "discount store" includes driving down wages, cutting staff numbers to the bone, and providing customers with a bare minimum of service.

While boasting of its record profits during the pandemic, Sobeys has refused to engage in anything that could be called negotiations, and instead is demanding that the workers accept attacks on wages, job security, benefits, and working conditions. Sobey's proposals include terms of conversion to FreshCo stores which are designed to severely restrict or even eliminate full-time jobs and make precarious work with wages at or just above minimum wage the norm. For the remaining Safeway stores, Sobeys has tabled numerous union-busting proposals to remove workers from the union and use non-union workers in the Safeway stores to stock shelves and work at in-store kiosks. The company's demands also include cuts to health and dental benefits for part-time workers, introduction of a co-payment for health benefits for full-time workers, cuts to overtime pay, more arbitrary shift scheduling provisions, and cuts to the education and training fund.

UFCW Local 401 reports that workers at Safeway and Sobeys face a high level of stress and anxiety. "You're worried about your safety and getting sick. Measures to protect you vary from store to store and are often poorly communicated. Customers are stressed out and anxious and sometimes they're taking it out on you!"

"In the midst of all of this, Safeway workers have remained calm and composed. You remain focused on doing your job. You're supporting the public through this challenging time by ensuring the food they need gets to their tables..."

"In response, Sobeys is attacking benefits, wages and jobs at the bargaining table. While you are doing everything you can to make their stores successful, working long hours under incredible strain to support their skyrocketing sales, Sobeys is pushing to take work, hours, and pay away from you."

It is unconscionable and the workers have made it clear they will not stand for it. Workers' Forum calls on everyone to stand with the Safeway workers. They have been there for us and we must be there for them! Wear a mask with an "I support Safeway workers" message when you go shopping. Let the workers know you will be there on the picket line with them if they are forced to go on strike. Speak to your co-workers, families, and neighbours about how Sobeys boasts of record profits while it treats the workers with contempt. Our security lies in the fight for the rights of all!

(Photos: UFCW Local 401)

This article was published in

Number 48 - July 9, 2020

Article Link:
Alberta Retail Workers Defend Their Rights: Safeway Workers Vote in Favour of Strike Action


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