Vancouver Hotel Workers Demand Protection of Their Jobs

On June 3 hundreds of hospitality workers and their supporters took to Burrard Street near the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver on foot and in cars, trucks, bicycles, motor cycles and scooters with signs and flags and banners to press the government and their employers for better job security following mass layoffs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Zailda Chan, Unite Here Local 40 president, said the demonstrations were "a powerful message to our employers and our government that tourism workers are not disposable."

Most of the workers in B.C.'s hospitality industry were laid off in mid-March after the pandemic shuttered the tourism industry. Unite Here Local 40 said in the span of two weeks, 90 per cent of their 60,000 members lost their jobs.

While many of the workers were able to get employment insurance or the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), their recall rights -- the right of a laid-off employee to be called back to work by their employer -- could soon expire.

This situation is especially painful given the militant strike action the union took in 2019, which resulted in raises of up to 25 per cent, new standards for workplace safety, protection against sexual harassment and improved job security.

Premier John Horgan addressed their concerns at a press conference the day of the rally. A CBC news report quotes him as saying "We're calling on employers to do the right thing and make sure they're keeping their workforce intact to the greatest extent possible, we expect that to happen, if we need to take steps using the legislature to protect workers, we'll do that. But our concern now is how do we get businesses up and running."

He did not commit to ensuring the right to recall for the hotel workers. Instead he is asking that they rely on the employers "doing the right thing."

Michelle Travis of Unite Here Local 40 says there's concern that laid-off employees will be replaced with new hires who will be paid less.

"We figured it's going to be summer 2021 before the industry really recovers and we want to make sure that workers who have spent years doing these jobs and are professionals at their work have a shot of getting their job back and be first in line to go back." Travis told Global News.

Zailda Chan said "We know that the tourism industry will take years to recover and what we're asking for is a 24-month guarantee that people will have their jobs. That will give hospitality workers enough time to go back to work."

Support the just demands of hospitality workers to be recalled to their former positions without loss of seniority rights or former pay levels!

This article was published in

Number 44 - June 25, 2020

Article Link:
Vancouver Hotel Workers Demand Protection of Their Jobs - Joseph Theriault


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