Militant Protests in Quebec Against Abusive Ministerial Orders

FIQ organizes a camp in front of Montreal Geriatrics University Institute, June 2, 2020.

Health and social services workers continue to demonstrate against ministerial orders issued by the executive of the Quebec government that gives the minister and health administrations the power to cancel negotiated collective agreements and unilaterally modify working conditions in the sector. The outrage of calling health care workers "guardian angels" while denying their rights and viewing them as a kind of cannon fodder who must simply obey and perhaps even die due to orders over which they have no say, is a matter of great concern to all workers.

As summer approaches, the protests are very much focused on the issue of vacations, as workers in the sector face exhaustion, the possibility of second wave of COVID-19 in the coming months, and great pressure from health administrations to cancel or postpone vacations and leaves.

On June 2, the Interprofessional Health Care Federation of Quebec (FIQ) launched a two-day camp in front of the University Institute of Geriatrics of Montreal to protest against health care employers who are relying on the government's ministerial order to deny the vacation rights of health care professionals as provided for in their collective agreement. The theme of the action is "Forced camping: this is where we spend the summer."

FIQ members are asking employers to reach an agreement with their local union on vacation terms and conditions. In an interview on June 2, FIQ President Nancy Bédard said that a total of seven Integrated Health and Social Services Centres (CISSS) and Integrated University Health and Social Services Centres (CIUSSS) have still not reached an agreement with their respective FIQ union on vacation time.

"Health care professionals throughout Quebec must have rest. It is a priority in order to care for our patients and to continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. It is high time that these recalcitrant employers took action! When we take the time to sit down, we find solutions without resorting to ministerial orders. Health care professionals, who have been in combat for almost three months, must have this moment of respite because their physical and mental health is at stake. This rest will be beneficial for them as well as for all patients," said Bédard in the June 2 FIQ press release.

On May 28, the more than 6,200 workers of the Laurentides CISSS, who are organized in the Health and Social Services' Workers' Union in Laurentides-CSN, began daily demonstrations in front of the CISSS' various establishments to demand confirmation that their vacations be respected.

In its May 28 press release, the union indicates that CISSS management is using the ministerial orders, imposed by the Legault government on March 21, to restrict access to leaves and vacations. It warns the CISSS against this practice and asks the CEO to send a signal that vacations will be upheld.

"While staff were already exhausted before the pandemic arrived, every effort must be made to prevent workers from falling in battle. We call upon the people of the region to support the guardian angels and to show their support in the coming days by honking their horns. Your support can make a difference," writes union president Dominic Presseault.

Also, on May 28, the four unions of the Mont r gie-Ouest CISSS (CISSSMO) organized a demonstration to demand respite and standardized working conditions. In a press release the unions write that for CISSSMO workers, the COVID-19 crisis "dangerously undermines a system that is already seriously weakened by years of cuts and restructuring." The four unions are the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3247, the local executive of the Alliance of the Professional and Technical Health and Social Services Staff (APTS), the FIQ-Union of Health Care Professionals of Montérégie-Ouest, and the Workers' Union of CISSSMO-Estrie-CSN.

The event took the form of a convoy of cars that traveled along several major arteries in the area covered by the CISSS.

"Since March, the ministerial orders and managers have, among other things, disrupted schedules and assignments, lengthened working hours and travel to work, moved staff to completely disorganized private residences and long-term care facilities, canceled vacations and leaves, and so on," the press release states. "These difficulties were combined with major challenges such as the issue of child care and the implementation of health protection measures. In order to be able to cope with the next wave of contamination, workers are calling for a break."

The press release points out that the CISSSMO workers are demanding that managers work with them to assess real staffing needs, to find solutions and lighten the burden, and that they listen to them instead of being the instrument of ministerial dictate.

(Translated from original French by Workers' Forum.)

This article was published in

Number 39 - June 9, 2020

Article Link:
Militant Protests in Quebec Against Abusive Ministerial Orders - Pierre Chénier


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