Unacceptable Attacks on Workers' Rights

I think the government and employers are using the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to try to weaken the labour movement. This can be seen with the nurses and all health care workers. It's distressing how the government is giving itself the right to cancel their collective agreements and unilaterally change their working conditions. I have a lot of sympathy for them. The situation the nurses are facing is very difficult. In spite of the fact that they are working very hard, protecting us and doing a remarkable job, the government refuses to take their situation seriously. Mandatory overtime in 2020 is unthinkable. It's also unthinkable that those doing the work have no say with regard to working conditions they require and that they end up with a disciplinary warning when they expose dangerous situations. There are cases where advance planning took place and agreements were made with nurses upholding their rights and conditions while fighting the pandemic. So it is possible. The government calls them guardian angels, as if they were blessed and protected from disease and the tragedies that may occur, however this is not the case. They are real flesh and blood workers who must be respected.

When the government gives its daily press conferences on the pandemic, it says that things are going well, that the situation is under control, that everyone is being provided the necessary personal protective equipment, but the reality is quite different on the ground and this is not only the case in the area of health. The government is out of touch with what the actual working conditions are. Working conditions have been won by the sweat of the workers' brows, with some of them sacrificing their lives for the conditions we now have. It was our parents and grandparents before them who gave us these conditions. We have not forgotten that during the lockout of the ABI workers, rather than minding his own business, Premier Legault supported the attacks on their working conditions by publicly accusing them of being spoiled brats.

The situation doesn't only exist in the health sector. Presently, the government and construction employers are trying to postpone the vacations of construction workers. There has been an outcry on that from construction workers and as far as I am aware, the situation has not yet been resolved. All workers need to keep their vigilance up, otherwise even more unacceptable things are going to be done to us.

In closing, I want to say that your articles in defence of workers' rights are very useful because they provide credible information. We're not shy about sharing these articles with others, as they are based on what is happening on the ground and on what workers on the front lines are experiencing. It's on the front line that the truth is found.

(Translated from original French by Workers' Forum.)

This article was published in

Number 39 - June 9, 2020

Article Link:
Unacceptable Attacks on Workers' Rights - Letter to the Editor from Abitibi Metalworker


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