All Out to Uphold the Rights of
Temporary Foreign Workers and Asylum Seekers!

Oppose Unconscionable Government Attempts to Criminalize Asylum Seekers and Justify Immoral Crimes Against Them

Many organizations in Quebec and across Canada are working together to uphold the rights of asylum seekers and temporary foreign workers who are on the front line of fighting COVID-19. Besides rescuing them from the abhorrent situations in which unjust government treatment has placed them, these organizations are upholding the just demand that the Quebec and federal governments need to create a special program that would regularize the status of these workers in this country.

On March 18, when asked by a journalist about asylum seekers entering irregularly into Canada, Quebec Premier François Legault responded, "It's unacceptable. We cannot permit people to enter illegally without at least placing them in quarantine. I have therefore already discussed this issue on a number of occasions with the federal government." The very next day, Prime Minister Trudeau, as part of his decision to close the Canada-U.S. border, announced that his government would no longer allow asylum seekers to enter Canada irregularly through such crossings as Roxham Road, in Quebec's Eastern Townships.

People seeking safety in Canada cross the border irregularly in order to avoid being sent back to the U.S. under the Safe Third Country Agreement, which closes Canada's door to most refugee claimants at the official points of entry. In closing such crossings, it is Canada which is acting "irregularly" in violation of the very essence of conventions which establish how and why countries are duty-bound to welcome refugees and the standard of treatment they must receive.

The utter lack of humanity shown asylum seekers by the likes of the federal government, the Quebec government and the Conservative Party reveals not only their contempt for asylum seekers but also for the rule of law. Their contemptible treatment of asylum seekers is carried out in the name of the rule of law. In fact, they rule in our name and they do these things in our name. It must not pass!

For Premier Legault and others to declare that asylum seekers enter Canada illegally is unfounded. It promotes the same notion of criminality that the Trudeau Liberal government attempted to introduce in July 2018 when the Prime Minister appointed former Toronto police chief Bill Blair to the newly created position, Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction. Through sleight of hand, the Liberal government found a way to link vulnerable migrants with border security and organized crime. By making the irregular crossing of asylum seekers through Roxham Road and elsewhere in Canada an issue of law and order, asylum seekers have been turned into a criminal category, all in the name of upholding fair treatment and the rule of law. This is unconscionable. It shows they are not fit to govern and that Canadians must uphold the basic principle that might does not make right.

More recently, on May 8, during the federal ministers' and health officials' update on COVID-19, a Quebec journalist commented that although many Haitian asylum seekers who entered Canada in 2017 are working in Montreal residential and long-term care centres and seniors' residences at the risk of their lives, their refugee claims have been refused.

"Regarding the issue of asylum seekers, as you know very well, Canada has a system, a just system, a very well-regulated system, to determine who has the right to asylum in Canada," responded Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland with all the self-righteousness and arrogance she could muster. "And it's important that as a country where there is rule of law, that we continue [...] to be that," she said.

This typical neo-liberal evasive bluster shows the utter contempt of the Liberals and their government for rule of law. Canada's system is not just nor does it uphold the principles of international refugee law and it is inhumane. The Liberals are past masters at doublespeak which ensures the essence of every matter is left in the shade or discarded altogether. Their responses to valid questions of concern to the polity and the people is unconscionable. It shows that it is up to Canadians to stand up for asylum seekers, refugees, migrant workers, temporary foreign workers and all others who are particularly vulnerable to neo-liberal governments who treat them as "easy prey." All power to the organizations across the country who spare no efforts to uphold the rights of the most vulnerable people in our society.

Condemn the arrogance of those rulers who commit crimes against human persons in the name of rights, justice and law.

Our Security Lies in the Fight for the Rights of All!

(With files from CPAC, TML Weekly. Quotations translated from original French by TML.)

This article was published in

Number 36 - May 26, 2020

Article Link:
All Out to Uphold the Rights of : Oppose Unconscionable Government Attempts to Criminalize Asylum Seekers and Justify Immoral Crimes Against Them - Diane Johnston


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