Call for Public Inquiry and Criminal Investigations into Deaths in Long-Term Care

SEIU has been organizing actions outside a number of long-term care homes to honour both their members who have died and those working in the homes and to forcefully demand government action. Photo is from May 7, 2020.   

The SEIU Healthcare issued the following call on Tuesday May 5:

"SEIU Healthcare, the union that represents over 60,000 frontline healthcare workers in Ontario, is calling for public inquiries and criminal investigations into COVID-19 related deaths in long-term care to keep people alive and determine accountability.

"First, we're calling on Premier Ford's government to immediately commission a public inquiry, pursuant to section 3 of the Public Inquiries Act, to investigate the deaths of residents and frontline workers at Ontario's long-term care homes.

"Second, we're calling on the Toronto and Peel Regional Police to initiate investigations for criminal negligence at a number of long-term care and homecare providers involving the death of staff.

"Third, we're similarly calling on the Office of the Chief Coroner to use their authorities to inquire into these deaths.

"On Friday, May 1st, our union lost a long-time personal support worker (PSW) who passed away after testing positive for COVID-19. She was the third avoidable death of a PSW in as many weeks."

SEIU Healthcare President Sharleen Steward stated: "A commission is urgently required because until we have a vaccine, or at a minimum treatment available for the entire population, we must prepare now for consecutive spikes or waves of COVID-19. Both frontline workers and the elderly in our long-term care system are saying the same thing: keep us alive. That's why we're calling for urgent investigations that will keep people alive and hold negligent operators responsible for the death of our healthcare heroes."


This article was published in

Number 34 - May 14, 2020

Article Link:
Call for Public Inquiry and Criminal Investigations into Deaths in Long-Term Care


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