Greenhill Produce Migrant Workers' Plea for Help

Guatemalan migrant farm workers in Canada.

On its web site, Justicia for Migrant Workers posted the following letter that it received and that it wants to share widely in light of recent reports about the outbreak of COVID-19 at Greenhill Produce in Chatham-Kent, Ontario. According to the medical officer of health for Chatham-Kent, as of April 27, 40 workers tested positive for COVID-19 among the workforce of about 100 workers. On May 4 it was reported the number had risen to 51. As of the date of the letter, April 28, 2020, all the workers had been tested, and 22 tests had come back negative. The majority of the workers at Greenhill Produce who have tested positive for the disease are migrant workers, but most are not new arrivals, having been in Canada four months to one year or more. Greenhill Produce grows sweet peppers.

The letter from a worker at Greenhill Produce reads:

"We the farm workers of Greenhill produce feel a bit outcast like we are the least we feel a bit disrespect... guys test result positive and guys test result negative from Sunday April 22 and up to this date April 24 we the positive and the negative are living in the same house using the same utensils, same bathroom, doing everything like nothing is wrong only told they are following the health procedures... we ask for sanitizers to help kill the spreading of the virus in such a crowded place until now none. Thanks to God some guys always buy bleach that's what we have to be using...we gave them food list we get what is the Canadian norm of shopping.

"We want a voice we are so afraid to talk, we are afraid we get sent back home. This is our JOB this is how we survive this is how we take care of our family back home. Without this God help so we are grateful for the job we are happy for it but we need to be treated as equal as everyone. Liaison officers who should be our advocate we haven't seen nor hear from them. We have to speak out for us, we want to feel comfortable working that if we get injured we are treated equal. This could have been avoided this is a part of negligence. When workers took sick, they took too long before medical attention and still going to work then it spread... please please hear our cry."

(Chatham Voice Photos: Prensa Libre, J4MW)

This article was published in

Number 31 - May 5, 2020

Article Link:
Greenhill Produce Migrant Workers' Plea for Help


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