The Right to Education
During the Pandemic
Teachers and Education Workers Sorting Out What Is What
- Laura Chesnik -
Teachers and education workers across Canada,
others around the world, have been thrust into a
new environment for
teaching as a result of the closure of schools
to curb the spread of
COVID-19. Moving classes online has now become
the norm at all grade
levels. A big problem is that teachers and
education workers want to
work out
how to affirm the right to education under the
circumstances but are
blocked from doing so because they are not being
given a real say in
how things proceed. Instead, they are told just
to be flexible and
accommodating, which translates into not
speaking up when there are
problems or just being critics of what is
imposed on them from school
boards or provincial governments. Teachers and
education workers are
the most flexible and accommodating when it
comes to ensuring their
students get the education they require.
However, this does not
translate into accepting measures that harm
their own working
conditions that they know are students' learning
It is a challenge
under the circumstances to have discussion on
what is taking place. One
issue is to have our own perspective so as not
to get overwhelmed by
all the emphasis on technology and competing
companies all vying to be
used for delivering education in hopes of coming
out on top. Each
province, and even each school board, has
different content delivery systems they use. As
a result, there is not
a common approach nor any intention to have one.
From one school to the
next, the approaches are different. There are
also the many education
related "apps" -- that are now free in many
cases -- that are pushing
to get everyone to sign up and use them in hopes
of becoming the
next big thing.
A major issue of concern for teachers and
education workers is how to ensure that those
youth with special needs
in the classroom or challenging personal
situations are not permitted
to fall through the cracks in these
circumstances where they lack the
resources they require to participate in
education. The reality of
moving to online learning in
one fell swoop without an organized plan to
ensure that all students,
teachers and education workers have the
infrastructure they require so
that they can fully participate in the process,
was largely left up to
individuals and to chance. When governments
declared the
closing of schools, things had not been put in
place to guarantee all
families had the necessary equipment, in the
quantities they require,
and adequate internet and technology know-how to
navigate this new
"classroom" space, let alone guarantee that
families had the necessary
supports for difficult personal or financial
situations where basic
needs were already tenuous before schools were
Students in Grade 12 have been put into
additionally challenging situations during their
graduating year.
Universities in Ontario, for example, continue
to demand mid-term marks
by April 20 to determine initial admission
offers. However, this is an
unrealistic demand, given that marks would only
reflect in-class work
up until March 13.
Students and educators are concerned that the
current situation will
exacerbate the fact that students with greater
resources and supports
will have better chances to get into
universities of their choice. How
to affirm the right to education under the
circumstances is not so
straightforward. For example, should students be
given a pass/fail
mark? How
does this affect getting into post-secondary
The starting
point of sorting out any of these problems must
be that education is a
right, not a competition to divide society.
Investments are required to
ensure all youth continue to advance in their
education and get the
formation they require to make a contribution to
society. First and
foremost, this means investments in having more
and education workers to support the system as
teachers, tutors and
teaching assistants and others who provide
specialized supports to
students with high needs so that everyone can be
supported under the
circumstances. It also means teachers and
education workers empowering
themselves to put forward solutions that uphold
the right to education
in practice.
This article was published in
Number 22 - April 17, 2020
Article Link:
The Right to Education
During the Pandemic: Teachers and Education Workers Sorting Out What Is What - Laura Chesnik