Frontline Public Transit Workers Demand Action to Protect Transit Workers

In an April 15 press release signed by John Di Nino, President of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Canada, the union demands action from the federal government to protect transit workers and preserve this essential service.

The union states that as of April 15, transit workers across Canada have not been provided personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves. In spite of this they continue to work, moving the general public including essential workers in health care, emergency services, grocery, pharmacy and other services deemed essential.

"Public Transit employees have no way to protect themselves and have a right to protective masks and gloves, just like other public service workers," says Di Nino.

Di Nino goes on to say: "We stand together to urge the government of Canada to provide dedicated operating funding to public transit agencies in Canada. We are united to help our community amid the pandemic and we are united in our call for federal operating subsidies to make these important investments in front line transit workers. Public Transit across the nation is suffering from a drastic reduction in riders as people are encouraged to stay at home until COVID-19 is under control -- and this will lead to service reductions and lay-offs, Public Transit operations rely on the farebox and without those fares, the system will be devastated and unsustainable -- but the immediate issue is keeping our workers safe."

As part of its demand for emergency funding to save Canada's public transit system, ATU Canada is demanding the immediate redirection of at least $5 billion from the Canadian Infrastructure Bank to support a National Transit Strategy with dedicated operational funding.


ATU Canada has launched a national petition calling for people to Stand with Canadian Transit Workers to send a strong message to the Canadian government that it needs to protect the workers that move the country.

The petition reads:

"To: The Cabinet Committee on the federal response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

"From: [Name of the person]

"We, the transit professionals in mass public transit, over the road buses, maintenance, bus operations, paratransit, train and subways, are providing quality transportation to the people of Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have been working around the clock during this crisis to deliver public transit for essential service workers on the frontlines. As transit professionals, we are acutely aware of the critical role we play in guaranteeing unrestricted access to mobility for emergency service providers, health care professionals, and grocery and retail workers.

"We are maintaining service, but we have urgent priorities that need to be addressed with emergency funding for our agencies. These priorities include personal protective equipment for transit workers, additional leave for anyone affected by the virus, fare elimination to support social distancing, rear door boarding and ensuring furloughed transit workers are compensated and have jobs to return to when our economy restarts."

To sign the petition, click here

(Photos: ATU Canada)

This article was published in

Number 21 - April 16, 2020

Article Link:
Frontline Public Transit Workers Demand Action to Protect Transit Workers


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