Postal Workers on the Frontlines in Halifax

Jim Gallant, a regional grievance officer for the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Atlantic Region expressed the concern of postal workers in Nova Scotia about the dangers they're facing as they continue working through this pandemic.

In an interview with the Halifax Examiner published on March 25, 2020, Gallant said that many postal workers in the province are concerned about not having continuous access to the necessary tools to do their jobs, including nitrile gloves or hand sanitizer. He also expressed concerns about the level of cleanliness or lack thereof, at the two main plants on Allman Street in Halifax and in the Burnside industrial park. Although there are regular complaints to Canada Post about the need for a deep cleaning, Gallant said, during this pandemic the need is far more urgent.

Gallant said, "it's one thing when there's dust around and people have asthma and different things like that, but when this is around and you can see dust that has been sitting there for a month or two months or 10 months, what happens if COVID-19 is on the floor?" He went on to say," and it's not just on the floor. It's on sortation cases. You can see the dust that's been sitting there and it's not moving, so that's the fear."

Gallant said that while Canada Post has assured the Union about the deep cleaning of the warehouse, "it hasn't yet happened."

In his interview Gallant wanted to thank the vast majority of customers for their support. He encouraged people to help keep postal workers safe by maintaining an adequate distance from them as they deliver mail and parcels. Whether it's at the community mailbox or in an apartment building lobby, he said people should remain at a distance of two metres or more.

"The vast majority of the workers want to go to work and get their jobs done. It's a matter of pride that we are postal workers and we always deliver," Gallant said.

This article was published in

Number 17 - April 2, 2020

Article Link:
Postal Workers on the Frontlines in Halifax


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