Dealing with Issues Facing Public and Private Sector Workers

Jason MacLean is President of the Nova Scotia Government Employees and General Workers Union.

I am in constant contact with people from the Department of Health and Wellness. We are giving our members' perspective on how things are affecting the workplace and what should be done. They are receptive and we are working well together.

There are issues that came up in our workplaces such as the need to have adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), to organize for people to work from home, to make sure that workers who are put on 14 days quarantine leave are getting paid.

There is a huge issue coming up with childcare. All schools and all daycares have been shut down. Last week was not such a big issue because it was March break but now March break is over and the schools are still closed. There are no daycares. A lot of our members still have to go to work but they have child care issues. Some employers are saying to our members if you do not have childcare, work it out with your managers and if you can't work it out, use your own lieu time, your banked time or your vacation time. Workers should not have to deplete their own bank accounts because of the pandemic. This is something we are trying to have addressed by the government and it is a huge issue across all sectors.

As far as PPE is concerned, we are still in the midst of it. For instance, in home care, we are reaching out to our providers and asking them what PPE are you providing for the people. They are saying that they are providing the proper PPE but they are not telling us what it is. We need answers to this. Our home care workers do not have gloves, shields, masks or gowns. Some providers have them but others don't. Our members are going from one workplace, which is somebody's home, to another workplace which is somebody's home. They have to have proper protection.

We know we are going to get hit worse, but the measures that are being put in place are going to help us to get through this crisis. We all have to work for the well-being of all the people in Nova Scotia.

This article was published in

Number 15 - March 27, 2020

Article Link:
Dealing with Issues Facing Public and Private Sector Workers - Jason MacLean


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