Mobilizing the Human Factor/Social Consciousness in the Fight Against
the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Workers Speak Up

New Brunswick Public Sector Workers

Workers and their organizations across the country are taking practical measures to mobilize themselves to flatten the curve of the pandemic.

Ten CUPE Locals in New Brunswick, representing 15,000 public sector workers, have collectively presented concrete measures to the provincial government to ensure their members are deployed in a conscious and effective manner to fight the virus and assist the people.

The provincial government has announced the shutdown of all non-essential government services. Only public sector workers doing critical work will remain on the job. The unions have presented and collectively agreed to a plan to redeploy and reassign non-critical public service employees to jobs that will assist the fight against the pandemic.

Simon Ouellette, CUPE Communications Representative, said the union locals have agreed to suspend elements of language in the collective agreement on the mobility of employees. This will ensure rapid response and deployment of public sector employees for reassignment to other work locations during this critical situation.

CUPE members from public sector parts I, II and IV could be reassigned confirmed Ouellette. These include:

Part I
- Local 1190: General Labour and Trades
- Local 1251: Institutional Care and Services
- Local 1840: Court Stenographers
- Local 1418: Rehabilitation and Therapy and Recreation and Culture Program Officers.

Part II
- Local 2745: Educational Support Staff
- Local 1253: NB Council of School District Unions

Part IV
- Local 5017: NB Community Colleges
- Local 5026: Collèges communautaires du N.-B.
- Local 963: NB Liquor Corporation
- Local 1866: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission

Ouellette pointed out that union leaders are in close contact with their members in all areas of the public service. "[We] have vital, practical and current information on what goes on at the front lines. We are confident the government will see the importance of having us participate in the response discussions. CUPE members are proud to serve the public and will lead by example in these tough times. Rest assured, this crisis only increases our resolve to fight and win this battle."

(With files from CUPE New Brunswick)

This article was published in

Number 12 - March 18, 2020

Article Link:
Mobilizing the Human Factor/Social Consciousness in the Fight Against : New Brunswick Public Sector Workers


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