Time for Workers to Act

Humanity's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic requires that workers play their leading role in making sure that necessary measures are implemented to contain the disease and protect the population and that no one is left to fend for themselves.

Recent weeks have shown definite features of the workers' response.

Workers and their unions have declared that fighting the pandemic is the movement's top priority and unions across the country have postponed conventions, labour negotiations and strike votes that were scheduled to take place in the coming weeks and months so as to concentrate efforts on facing the pandemic.

Workers broadly support the strict comprehensive measures that the World Health Organization (WHO) has advised to contain COVID-19 and to protect the population, including quarantine, testing, contact tracing, social distancing, and direct population/community mobilization. Workers are advocating that governments at every level in Canada must take full responsibility for implementing the WHO's recommendations responsibly.

In taking up their own responsibility, workers are paying particular attention to the plight of the front-line workers in the health care system and in all public services, including in public transportation, so that they remain healthy and able to keep looking after the people. The issue of these workers being provided with adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) is a critical one, as is the issue of taking time off work if one suspects having been infected with the virus, without being penalized financially or otherwise. The issue of PPE is also becoming a major issue in areas of the private sector such as big retail trade chains, which people shop at in their thousands, especially to buy goods that are needed in the conditions of the pandemic.

Workers are tackling the issue of sustaining workers' livelihood, in conditions where it is affected by their being quarantined, or without work because of the closure of institutions that employ people, or cancellation of cultural and other events for which people are employed on a casual basis and so on.

In this, workers consider that these are all working people that must be defended and looked after, whatever the specific conditions they find themselves in, based on the trials and tribulations of this economy and the neo-liberal wrecking decisions which have prevailed for more than 20 years, over which the people are doing their utmost to establish control. 

Whether they are migrant workers, unemployed workers or workers in the gig economy and so-called self-employed workers, unionized workers or non unionized workers, or seniors, ways and means have to be found to make sure that their livelihood is sustained by the governments and the ruling elite. Everything has to be reviewed in a creative way to defend and affirm the human quality of all. Already, news is coming from Quebec that self-employed workers in the cultural events industry are organizing themselves in an organization that will, among other things, take up the issue of their livelihood while cultural events have basically all been cancelled for an undetermined period.

Press conference at Queen's Park, organized by health care professionals represented by the Decent Work and Health Network, March 12, 2020, calls for measures to protect all workers.

This is the time to organize, to make sure that information is obtained and distributed as events and announcements of programs by various levels of governments are happening very quickly, and to make sure that workers speak out on the claims that need to be made to humanize the situation by looking after the well-being of all.

Workers' Forum is opening its pages to this fight against the pandemic and the concerns, demands and initiatives that workers are taking to face the pandemic. In this issue of Workers' Forum, readers will find a series of interviews and statements from workers and unions on this.

(Photos: WF, UFCW 401, D. Ladd)

This article was published in

Number 12 - March 18, 2020

Article Link:
Time for Workers to Act


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