Teachers Oppose Bill 40 En Masse

Since the introduction of Bill 40 last October and even after the law was adopted under closure on February 7, the nearly 100,000 teachers in Quebec have been very active in denouncing and challenging the law and to inform the people of its anti-social character. Teachers are confronting the Minister of Education wherever he appears, calling him to account for his anti-education activities and reaffirming their determination not to be silent.

Parents have also organized many actions to challenge the law and defend the people's education. As soon as the bill was introduced, many parents' organizations asked the Minister to postpone it so that the entire population could have the time needed to judge its relevance or not.

The School Together movement uniting 4,000 parents announced on February 21, it had tabled a report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights arguing that the Quebec government with Bill 40 is increasing school segregation and violating its human rights obligations. The UN Committee will hold its meeting in mid-March.

Teachers demonstrate on December 9, 2019 in front of the office of the MNA for
Soulanges, Marilyne Picard.

Teachers at the office of CAQ MNA Nadine Girault in the Laurentians on December 11, 2019.

Teachers demonstrate on January 30, 2020 during a CAQ caucus meeting.

Left to right: Press conference held by Sylvain Mallette, President of Autonomous Teachers' Federation on February 13, 2020. Teachers confront Education Minister Jean-François Roberge one by one during his visit to the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal on February 21, 2020.

Above photos show teachers taking a stand in their respective schools:
Quebec, Saint-Hyacinthe, Montreal and the Outaouais.

(Photos: FAE, FSE-CSQ)

This article was published in

Number 10 - March 5, 2020

Article Link:
Teachers Oppose Bill 40 En Masse


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