Six Months Closure of Department of Obstetrics in Shawville, Quebec

No! to the Closing of Fundamental Health Services

About 20 people drove close to two hours from Shawville and other Pontiac towns to demonstrate Monday morning, February 24, in front of the Hull hospital in Gatineau, Quebec to express their anger at the fact that the Outaouais Integrated Health and Social Services Centre (CISSSO) has announced that as of February 21, the department of obstetrics at the Shawville hospital will be closed for six months. The department was a service that was essential to women from various Pontiac towns such as Fort-Coulonge and Mansfield-et-Pontefract. With this closure, women awaiting the birth of their child will no longer have a hospital nearby they can go to in case of an emergency and will, in some cases, have to drive two hours to have their baby.

The CISSSO announced that it was closing the department for safety reasons, which the Minister responsible for the Outaouais, Mathieu Lacombe, endorsed. The issue of safety is raised because, among other factors, there are only three nurses on hand in the department, when the number of nurses required to provide complete and safe services in obstetrics is 12. Quebec nurses' medieval working conditions are a key factor in the closing of the department which means it is closely related to the concerns raised by workers in the health sector who have been stating for years that to improve the services in health care there must be an improvement in the working conditions of those who provide the services.

Women in the Pontiac have expressed that they are worried that not only the department of obstetrics may never reopen, but that other services could also be affected. The people demonstrating received broad support from people going in and out of the hospital. Demonstrators stated that they would continue to hold actions until the problem is resolved and the service restored. Their preoccupations and demands deserve the support of everyone. On Sunday, March 1 a demonstration will be held at 2 pm in front of the Shawville Hospital.

Ongoing information on the struggle can be obtained at La Voix Du Pontiac on Facebook, and with hashtag #obspontiac.

This article was published in

Number 8 - February 27, 2020

Article Link:
Six Months Closure of Department of Obstetrics in Shawville, Quebec: No! to the Closing of Fundamental Health Services - Louis Lang


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