Ontario Day of Action in Solidarity with Striking Teachers

For the past couple of months, teachers and education staff across the province have been taking action against the budget cuts made by Ford's government. As students, we have seen our teachers and education staff brave the cold and make all of our voices heard through resilient rallying and collective action. Despite the job actions taken, negotiations have still yet to be made, and Stephen Lecce, the Provincial Minister of Education, has yet to even show up to the bargaining table. We have seen and felt the effects of these cuts and can no longer be complacent in the fight for our education.

That's why this Friday, February 21, we will be having a province-wide Day of Action to unify us as students and stand in solidarity with our teachers and education staff striking. The team at Students Say No has created an Organizer's Guide [click here] for you all to learn about what action you can take in your community and how we can make a huge impact this Friday! Make sure to register your school in our Registration Form [click here] so we can keep track of all the student actions taking place on this day.

As students, we HAVE to stand up for our education, for our teachers and staff, for our futures and for each other. We can no longer stand by while the government attempts to strip away quality public education. So this Friday, get your friends together and FIGHT BACK! Dance, make art, chant and refuse to back down! Let's get organized!

#studentssayno #cutshurtkids #prioritizeeducation #nocutstoeducation

For more information, click here.

Students participate in OSSTF rotating strike day and AEFO province-wide strike,
February 13, 2020.

(Photos: Students Say No!, J. Lynn, Marc K-B)

This article was published in

Number 6 - February 19, 2020

Article Link:
Ontario Day of Action in Solidarity with Striking Teachers - Students Say No


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