Alberta Public Sector Workers Continue to Build Resistance to Kenney's Wrecking Ball "> Alberta Public Sector Workers Continue to Build Resistance to Kenney's Wrecking Ball ">

Alberta Public Sector Workers Continue to Build Resistance to Kenney's Wrecking Ball

Alberta nurses noon-hour rally in Claresholm, January 21, 2020.

Noon-hour rallies were held in Edmonton, Lethbridge and Claresholm during the week of January 20, where health care and other public sector workers were joined by workers from other unions and members of their community. They spoke out against the government's threats to privatize large sectors of public services, and demanded that the government improve, not wreck, health care and other public services. They also expressed their resounding No! to attacks on their wages and working conditions.

The UCP government has said it will reduce the number of workers in the public sector by more than seven per cent by 2023. In late November, the government sent letters to the unions representing public sector workers saying that it is looking at contracting out a wide swath of public services, from ambulance services and public medical labs to hospital housekeeping and laundry services, medical transcription, home care nursing, and jobs in social and community services. This would be a potential loss of 6,400 to 7,400 unionized public-sector jobs by 2023, including between 3,900 and 4,900 in health care.

In a recent interview with CTV Edmonton, Kenney stated, "Nobody is being laid off now, let's be clear about that. These are prospective reductions in employment levels over four years if we can't find other savings."

The intent of such statements seems clear. Kenney is suggesting that privatization is a form of "saving money" and that if the workers submit to the intensified assault on their wages and working conditions, thus "saving money," he might spare public services from his privatization wrecking ball.

The working people of Alberta have been down this road before, and learned through bitter experience that it is fraud and blackmail from start to finish. The workers are pointing out that the government is serving big business with its threats to privatize. Privatization has nothing to do with "saving money" and it never did. It is a way of transferring more of the wealth created by the workers and claimed by governments into the hands of rich private interests. Privatization of public services carried out during the Klein years actually reduced government revenues, as the added-value created by workers was handed over to private interests (for example registry offices and liquor stores). The Klein government then used falling revenues as a pretext to step up the assault on public services and the workers who deliver them.

Through their pickets, the workers are taking the lead to unite their own ranks and to develop public opinion for a pro-social program which defends the rights of all. In opposition to the aim of maximum profit for the financial oligarchy, a new direction for the economy to serve the needs of the people is needed. Workers' Forum calls on the working people to discuss with their peers what is at stake, and to join the pickets and rallies in their communities.

Health care workers picket in the Peace River region against cuts, January 22, 2020.

(Photos: AUPE)

This article was published in

Number 3 - January 29, 2020

Article Link:
Alberta Public Sector Workers Continue to Build Resistance to Kenney's Wrecking Ball - Peggy Morton


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