The Workers' Movement in 2020

It Is Up to Us!

Unite to build the defence organizations and independent voice
of the working class!

With this issue Workers' Forum begins publishing in 2020. The year promises to be momentous for the working class as many sections are in motion to defend what is theirs by right. The realization that "It is up to us to defend our rights!" has seized the imagination of many. Gone are the illusions that some institutional force directed by the ruling elite and connected with their state machine will defend workers' rights. "It is up to us!" to build our defence and advocacy groups and voice of the present and for a future fit for human beings. No one else will do it.

Our duty and social responsibility as workers arise from the concrete conditions, human relations and problems as they present themselves. No fudging of the conditions and relations we face will do. No distortion of the tasks at hand is acceptable. The working class is taking up its leading role in society by making demands that provide society with a new pro-social aim and direction for the economy, a force with the numbers, desire and resources to defend its rights in the here and now.

The ruling elite of the financial oligarchy are a spent force at each other's throats for power and constantly at war to build their global empires to seize the social wealth workers produce. They see workers as a necessary evil, a cost to their amassing of private wealth; they view workers as things they can exploit, deprive of human rights and toss away as so much scrap so the rich can live in luxury and privilege. The rich oligarchs cannot solve any of the political, economic or social problems confronting the people and country because they do not want to do so. Real solutions would result in their loss of power and privilege and the empowerment of working people. Real solutions demand the recognition and defence of the rights of all and a new direction for the economy to meet the needs and well-being of the people and to humanize the social and natural environment.

The destruction and closure of production facilities such as GM in Oshawa and throughout the forest industry, Lowe's seizure of RONA and subsequent shutting of stores, the recurring economic crises and endless aggressive wars, the use of scientific technique such as software apps, automated vehicles, contract work and human trafficking to force workers into precarious employment and deprive them of their rights are all unacceptable and must cease. Workers are the essential human factor in the economy and the producers of all social wealth; they must set the aim of the economy to guarantee their well-being and security. The economy is our economy and the workers must have a voice, a say and control over its aim and direction.

Workers' Forum is more than the voice of the working class to break the silence on the living and working conditions of the working people; Workers' Forum is an organizing tool, a forum around which workers and their allies can inform others of their actions with analysis to defend their rights, to meet and engage in discussions to sum up their activities, to find their bearings, draw warranted conclusions and plan and organize their coming activities.

It is up to us to build and disseminate Workers' Forum, to write articles and reports of what the working class is facing and doing, to gain subscriptions and financial contributions and make Workers' Forum a powerful organizing tool for the working class.

It is up to us to make 2020 a year of momentous change towards empowerment of the working class!

This article was published in

Number 1 - January 15, 2020

Article Link:
The Workers' Movement in 2020: It Is Up to Us!


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