Note to Readers

This is the last issue of Workers' Forum for the year. We will resume publication on January 15, 2020.

In the meanwhile, please continue to visit CPC(M-L)'s website for up-to-date information and take a look at the TML Daily 2019 Photo Reviews on the fight of the workers, women, youth, and Indigenous peoples, speaking and acting in their own name to uphold the rights of all and make Canada a zone for peace.

The year 2019 saw increased militancy from workers in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and elsewhere in openly challenging the wrecking agenda and brutal assault of the rich and their governments against the people and their society, in all aspects of life. Workers are developing ways to make their stand that No! Means No! effective against this onslaught, marshalling their ranks and mobilizing public opinion to block this attack and open the door to the progress of society. Life is telling us that the time to develop the independent politics of the working class to withstand this onslaught is now! The workers require their own thinking and actions based on analysis so as to resolve the crisis in their favour.

We wish you all a safe and happy year end.

Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L)

This article was published in

Number 31 - December 19, 2019

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Note to Readers


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