The Need for More Staff and Improved Wages and Working Conditions

Demonstration during the FTQ Congress in support of striking workers in private seniors' residences, November 26, 2019.

This interview was conducted at the 32nd Congress of the Quebec Federation of Labour, November 25-28.

Workers' Forum: One of the salient features of the Quebec Federation of Labour's Congress is the intervention from the most vulnerable health care workers, who are demanding an immediate and significant improvement in their wages and working conditions. Can you tell us more?

Natalie Crytes-Veillette: I myself am a caregiver in a Residential and Long-Term Care Centre (CHSLD) in the Deux-Montagnes region. A major problem is the acute shortage of personnel. At my work place, people are not staying. Many are off sick. Out of some 80 employees, there may be 25 on sick leave. Increasingly, we receive residents who have complex cases. When we are already understaffed and then have to deal with more complex cases, it makes for heavier caseloads and additional hours of care, and we are unable to properly complete our work days and provide the quality care these people deserve.

Fatigue, exhaustion and numerous injuries are very common occurrences amongst employees. They are related to a shortage of staff, combined with the fact that the caseloads are increasingly heavy. Many of our residents require a lift to move them from one position to another, which requires two caregivers working together. More staff are needed. Some people are thinking of leaving and I understand them. There's nothing attractive about the profession at the moment.

Financially, we need better wages. It's a serious problem. I have seven years of seniority at my workplace and already I'm amongst the 20 people there with the most seniority, out of a total of approximately 80 employees. Better wages are required to address the problem of recruitment and retention. The job deserves better wages. There's a lack of recognition, on the part of government and employers, of the work we do caring for seniors.

Within such conditions, we are unable to provide residents with the services they require. They should be given more time with us. There are residents who, on an individual basis, we don't even get to spend five minutes a day with. These people deserve to have someone there for them. People in positions of authority should leave their offices and spend a day with us on the floor. I once told my Director that what is happening on the floor has nothing to do with my values and that day, I left early. The situation has reached the point that residents are beginning to feel embarrassed about asking us for certain services because they see that we are understaffed. They need us, which is why we keep working at the CHSLD. Although we are not required to do overtime, we sometimes do it for financial reasons, but the main reason we work overtime is out of duty, because the residents need to be taken care of.

Our situation is difficult. Besides caring for the residents lying in bed, we must also take care of the worried or concerned family members accompanying them.

The wages and working conditions of people working in CHSLDs must be significantly improved.

(Photo: FTQ)

This article was published in

Number 31 - December 19, 2019

Article Link:
The Need for More Staff and Improved Wages And Working Conditions - Natalie Crytes-Veillette, Quebec Union of Service Employees, Local 298, FTQ


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