Quebec Government's Unacceptable, Irresponsible and Provocative Offer

Public Sector Workers Demand Significant Negotiated Improvements to Wages and Working Conditions

On December 12, the Quebec government presented its central offer to union representatives in the public sector, as part of the negotiations for the renewal of the collective agreements of some 550,000 public sector workers. These collective agreements expire on March 31, 2020. As soon as the government had tabled its offers, all the unions rejected them as being out of touch with the reality on the ground and insulting to the workers and the demands they have consistently put forward to significantly improve the situation.

The government's offer provides for a seven per cent wage increase over five years, which amounts to at least three per cent less than the inflation rate estimated by experts over the same period. The government is also proposing a lump sum payment of $1,000 for workers on the job as of March 31, 2020 who will have reached their  maximum wage scale limit as of that date. It is estimated that the lump sum, separate from wages, will only apply to around 50 per cent of the workers involved in the negotiations. The government is also proposing to hold three joint discussion forums (of representatives of employers and workers) on educational success, access to care for people in long-term health care facilities or receiving home care and the overall health of public sector workers, where additional funds may be released. Here the government is referring in particular to caregivers and new teachers.

According to the government, the wage offer, the lump sum and the additional funds make up an offer equivalent to inflation, the ceiling it has set for itself in the negotiations in the name of Quebeckers' ability to pay and of not increasing the tax burden on future generations. The government has declared that its offer is an acceptable basis for discussion and negotiation with public sector employees.

This offer continues the practice of previous governments in refusing to recognize that public sector workers create immense value for the society, upon which they have a legitimate claim. Workers have the right to a negotiated settlement for their own well-being as well as for that of the public services they deliver. The government is also refusing to admit that the anti-social austerity agenda has brought public services to a breaking point. A feature of this, amongst others, is staff exhaustion, a high level of absenteeism related to sickness which further exacerbates the exhaustion of those who remain at work, and the development of acute mental health problems and psychological distress amongst workers.

Clearly the government is closing its eyes to the fact that insufficient wages are at the heart of the problem of workforce recruitment and retention and therefore of mental health and distress. It has cynically calculated that it will use the power of the state to ensure that the system continues to operate despite the crisis and that public sector workers continue to keep the system going against all odds. The workers do so largely out of dedication to those they care for and to the youth they educate. Fundamentally, the government's attitude is no different from that of previous governments which paved the way for disasters like that in Lac-Mégantic through their refusal to take up their social responsibilities and as a result of their obsession for narrow private profit.

Furthermore, the government's claim that its offer is a starting point for good faith bargaining is false. Good faith bargaining would require a qualitative element, the recognition of the contribution that public sector workers make to society, respect for their dignity and the recognition of their right to negotiated wages and working conditions they deem acceptable. None of this exists in their offer. It therefore is not a basis for negotiation and can only be rejected with contempt.

Workers' Forum joins with the hundreds of thousands of Quebec public sector workers in rejecting this offer in its form and content and demands that the government significantly improve public sector wages and working conditions. On the occasion of the renewal of their collective agreements, Workers' Forum is opening its pages to the struggle of public sector workers and will provide relevant information, analysis and views and give pride of place to their voices.

Enough is Enough!
For an Immediate and Significant Improvement in Public Sector
Wages and Working Conditions!

(Photo: CSN)

This article was published in

Number 31 - December 19, 2019

Article Link:
Quebec Government's Unacceptable, Irresponsible and Provocative Offer: Public Sector Workers Demand Significant Negotiated Improvements to Wages and Working Conditions - Pierre Chénier


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