British Columbia

Tentative Agreement Reached for SkyTrain Workers

After close to an 18-hour bargaining session, negotiators for 900 SkyTrain workers, members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 7000, reached a tentative agreement with the BC Rapid Transit Company (BCRTC) just minutes before 5:00 am on December 10 when workers were set to begin strike action. The workers are train and station attendants, control operators, administration staff, technicians and maintenance workers. BCRTC is a wholly owned subsidiary of TransLink, the provincial government legislative body which oversees public transit operations in Metro Vancouver.

According to a Vancouver Sun report published shortly after the tentative agreement was reached, CUPE Local 7000 President Tony Rebelo stated that it "goes a long way to address many of the union's concerns..." No details will be released before the ratification vote. Negotiations for a new contract have been ongoing since August 31 when the old contract expired. The union served 72-hour strike notice on December 6, following a 96.8 per cent vote in favour of job action.

Workers are seeking wages acceptable to themselves, an end to compulsory overtime, improved staffing and changes to sick leave provisions.

This article was published in

Number 30 - December 11, 2019

Article Link:
British Columbia: Tentative Agreement Reached for SkyTrain Workers


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