Elementary Teachers on Phase One of Work-to-Rule

On November 14, 2019, EFTO announces a series of meetings in preparation for a work-to-rule beginning November 26, 2019.

Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) commenced Phase 1 of a work-to-rule on November 26 in the face of the Ford government's refusal to bargain in good faith. ETFO represents 83,000 elementary school teachers, occasional teachers and other educational professionals who work in the province's public elementary schools. ETFO members have gone more than three months without a contract.

ETFO president Sam Hammond stated that the teachers and other education professionals have been forced to take strike action because the Ford government has refused to address their concerns, while at the same time engaging in a disinformation campaign to break their unity and the broad support they have from Ontarians.

Hammond pointed out the Education Minister Stephen Lecce has been misleading the public by saying that there are only a few bargaining issues outstanding when this is not the case. Large class sizes, the shortage of supports for students with special needs, rising school-based violence and the attempt by the government to bypass a 2012 regulation to hire teachers on the basis of qualifications and experience, are all unresolved issues in these negotiations.

Hammond noted that the Ford government has wasted more than $230 million in penalties to cancel renewable energy projects, while at the same time demanding up to $150 million in cuts to elementary education. That is unacceptable, Hammond said.

During phase one of the work-to-rule the teachers will teach their students but will not participate in any School Board related activity including filling in report cards, attending school board mandated meetings, and other administrative functions including curriculum committee meetings. They will, however, continue to participate in extracurricular activities such as supervising student clubs.

According to ETFO, the work-to-rule will continue until the labour dispute is satisfactorily resolved or the ETFO Provincial Executive deems that further actions are required. Workers' Forum stands with the teachers and education workers of Ontario.

(Photo: ETFO)

This article was published in

Number 29 - December 4, 2019

Article Link:
Elementary Teachers on Phase One Of Work-to-Rule


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