Albertans Mobilize Vigorously Against Kenney Government's
Stepped Up Anti-Social Offensive

Community Builders Stand Against Kenney's Wrecking

A militant rally organized by Alberta Forward in a Progressive Canada, CUPE Alberta and Support Our Students took place outside the Westin Airport Hotel in Calgary where the United Conservative Party (UCP) was holding its annual general meeting. About 1,500 people attended despite the bitter cold and isolated location. Teachers, students, and parents, nurses and other health care workers and professionals, seniors, and people from all walks of life and virtually every sector of the economy participated in the rally. They came, as one speaker said, as community builders, to oppose wrecking, to speak in their own names about the impact of the Kenney government's anti-social offensive, and to demand that all the anti-social measures be reversed. With signs and banner, chants and speeches, they expressed their determination to turn things around.  

The rally showed that people do not accept the claim of the Kenney government that it has a "mandate," are not disoriented by the government's shock-and-awe tactics, and are vigorously and militantly defending their rights and the rights of all. For many, it was their first time participating in such an event, and the day was filled with the spirit that it is up to all of us, and together we will build the resistance.

In a very successful and innovative approach, the rally was organized with alternating open mic sessions, and marches circling the hotel. The first speaker was a teacher who set the tone for the rest of the day by speaking about how important it was to work together. A large contingent of teachers took part to say No! to planned layoffs taking place across the province, including 300 Calgary teachers on term contracts who will lose their jobs, and to affirm their fight for their working conditions that are student learning conditions.

Nurses were also out in force. The day before the rally, Alberta Health Services announced in a meeting with the United Nurses of Alberta leadership that at least 750 registered nurses will be laid off over several years in a massive "downsizing," eliminating over one million hours of care. Health care, education and other public sector workers from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) marched together. They too had received a letter stating that up to 6,000 jobs, many in health care will be eliminated or contracted out.

Nurses, teachers, health and other public sector workers, students, Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped recipients, and many concerned citizens spoke about how they will be affected by this anti-people offensive, and that it is up to all of us to build the resistance.

Teacher and rally organizer, Stephanie Quesnel, explained the impact of the cuts and how they will impact class size and specialized care, while cuts to health care will result in limited staffing, increased wait times, and decreased quality in care. "I hope [Kenney] realizes that it's not a minority, it's a huge majority, that are against these cuts and this isn't what we voted for. If people voted for the UCP, this was not on the platform so it's coming as a surprise to many people," she said. "We've been awfully loud. If he isn't listening, then he isn't listening to a really large chunk of Albertans because there is a shift happening and they have to listen."

Vice President of AUPE Local 71 Bobby-Jo Borodey, said, "It doesn't matter what union you belong to, what group you are associated with, all that matters is that you are an Albertan and this government has waged war on the people of this province. Your fight is our fight. Our fight is your fight and, together, we will be stronger and together we will win."

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, did not mince words. "People are losing their jobs. Instead of jobs they have given us the destruction of jobs. Everyone should be prepared to join us on the picket line. This is our moment to stand up and fight back and that is exactly what we intend to do," he said.

Barb Silva, representing Support Our Students Alberta, spoke with great conviction, saying, "This is a question of educational justice. Do not ask us to compromise, Jason Kenney. Don't ask us to negotiate on the backs of Alberta children. We see your plan. We know where you are taking Alberta education. We know Kenney wants to break unions, weaken public education and divide communities [...] Kenney wants you to see education as an individual commodity. We know it's a public common good. He wants to attack public education at every opportunity. We will meet him there every time to defend it. We are here today, public education proud. We are community builders not breakers. We support students, we support teachers, we support public education, and we will not stand by and let the government sell it to the highest bidder."

Peggy Askin, vice president of the Calgary chapter of the Congress of Union Retirees and former President of the Calgary and District Labour Council said, "The Kenney government has no mandate to carry out this brutal anti-social offensive. He does not act in our name when he swings his wrecking ball. We are here together speaking and marching for our rights, for the needs of human beings to come first. It is no accident that workers are writing 'UCP, United Corporate Puppets' on their signs, as that is whose interests this government serves. We are here together fighting for the Alberta that we stand for. It is the teachers, the health-care workers, the public-sector workers, all working people -- it's all of us who work to make this province function.

"We say Stop Paying the Rich and Increase Funding for Social Programs!

"We say No! to this dictate. We want a real say and we are empowering ourselves."

See also the article titled "Kenney Government's Despicable Attacks on Teachers" by Kevan Hunter to be published in TML Weekly No. 30, December 7, 2019.

(Photos: WF)

This article was published in

Number 29 - December 4, 2019

Article Link:
Albertans Mobilize Vigorously Against Kenney Government's : Community Builders Stand Against Kenney's Wrecking - Peggy Askin


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