Lockout of Aluminum Workers in Becancour, Quebec

United Steelworkers Files Complaint with International Labour Organization Against Quebec Government

United Steelworkers announce the filing of a complaint with the International Labour Organization against the Quebec government at press conference, June 10, 2019.

The Alcoa/Rio Tinto cartel has now locked out the ABI workers for 17 months with the active collusion of the Quebec government. At a press conference on June 10, the United Steelworkers announced the filing of a complaint with the International Labour Organization (ILO) against the Quebec government for its role in prolonging the lockout and denying the right of ABI workers, members of USW Local 9700, to negotiate collectively the terms of their employment. The complaint was filed with the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association.

The USW alleges that through his public statements from April to early June, Quebec Premier Francois Legault used the power of his office to give considerable advantage to the owners' cartel over the workers. Legault has openly sided with the Alcoa cartel against the right of workers to negotiate a new collective agreement. The USW alleges the Premier has made false statements about the nature of the dispute, blames the workers for the lockout, and suggests USW Local 9700 with what he calls "unreasonable demands" may force the Alcoa global cartel to close the smelter for good.

The USW says the Premier's intervention on the side of the global cartel violates the government's obligations related to the ABI workers' right to freedom of association and the recognition of their right to collective bargaining. With its evidence of the government's words and actions, the union presented its complaint to the ILO. The USW says the Government of Quebec is in violation of the ILO convention and declarations that recognize freedom of association, basic labour rights and the principles that must guide multinational enterprises, governments and workers in the countries where these companies operate.

The USW is asking the Committee on Freedom of Association and the ILO's Governing Body to declare that the Government of Quebec, through the Premier's public statements, has violated the convention and declarations. The USW is asking that the ILO demand the government withdraw its declarations against the workers and to respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. The union also requests that the ILO tell the Quebec government to refrain from any intervention that could hinder the legitimate activities in defence of USW Local 9700's interests. The USW demands that the government allow the union to freely and with equal opportunity advocate for the working conditions of unionized ABI workers without pressure or action to discredit them.

The ILO, founded in 1919, is a tripartite agency of the United Nations that brings together representatives of governments, employers and workers from 187 countries. Its mandate is to set international standards, develop policies, and devise programs promoting decent work for all workers around the world. The Committee on Freedom of Association, established in 1951, has the mandate to examine complaints about violations of freedom of association. The committee is itself a tripartite body composed of a chairperson and three representatives each from governments, employers and workers. The committee has the power to make recommendations. Its decisions are not binding on member states.

(Photos: WF, Metallos)

This article was published in

Number 23 - June 20, 2019

Article Link:
Lockout of Aluminum Workers in Becancour, Quebec: United Steelworkers Files Complaint with International Labour Organization Against Quebec Government


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