Kenney Government's Blue Ribbon Panel

The Kenney government has appointed a Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta's finances, whose members were chosen to reach pre-determined conclusions. The Chair of the panel, Janice McKinnon, is a former NDP finance minister from Saskatchewan, notorious for closing 54 hospitals in Saskatchewan. In 2017, McKinnon co-authored an article directed at the then NDP government calling for public sector wages to be cut and then frozen. The authors laid out how the government should proceed, including holding consultations with unions with an aim to claim it has participated in a process of collective bargaining and therefore is not in violation of the Charter right of collective bargaining. The sham consultations would be followed by legislation. Such a process is concocted and in contempt of the meaning of the Charter right to collective bargaining.

This article was published in

Number 23 - June 20, 2019

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Kenney Government's Blue Ribbon Panel


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