Using What Is Legal Against What Is Just Shows Contempt for Rule of Law

Workers stand as one against Bill 9 in Alberta legislature rotunda.

Workers and leaders of the unions representing about 180,000 public sector workers in Alberta stood as one at the legislature as Bill 9, the Public Sector Wage Arbitration Deferral Act bill received first reading. As soon as the bill had passed First Reading, they rallied in the rotunda of the legislature where a press conference took place. Present were the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE), Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA), Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA), and United Nurses Association (UNA) together with the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL).

Workers filled the rotunda at the legislature, shouting So, So, So, Solidarity! Speakers condemned the government's assault on the rights of workers, including the right to collectively negotiate their collective agreements, and made it clear that working people will not accept this assault.

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour called Bill 9 a "bully bill." "They are using the power of their majority in government to break legally-binding contracts. If they did this to the contracts of businesses who supply goods and services to government, the business community would be up in arms. But this is exactly what they're doing to hundreds of thousands of nurses, teachers and other public sector workers. It would be unfair, inappropriate and illegal if they were doing it to businesses and it's unfair, inappropriate and illegal now that they're doing [it] to working people."

UNA President Heather Smith said that the level of interference in collective bargaining in this bill goes further than anything done by the Klein Government in the mid-1990s. "In the history of our union, it is the biggest betrayal by government we have ever seen in terms of reaching in and using the power of legislation to alter the terms and conditions, and agreed upon, terms of our contract," she said.

HSAA President Mike Parker said, "If I can't guarantee the stability of a collective agreement for my membership, then I don't think I can guarantee labour peace for this province."

ATA president Greg Jeffery, called the bill an affront to his members, and a heavy-handed abuse of power that significantly erodes trust between the government and its public servants. "These agreements were reached in good faith, and now the government is using its highest powers to unilaterally change the terms of the agreement. In the business world, if a contract was blatantly ignored like this, you would never do business with that company again." He called on the government to withdraw the bill.

"Six of the last seven years teachers have accepted a zero-per cent increase," he said. "There was hope for this arbitration and to pull that hope away from Alberta's teachers especially at this time of year is tragic," he said.

Members of AUPE picket in Lac La Biche, June 15, 2019, against Bill 9.

AUPE president Guy Smith called the bill an "egregious attack" and explained that the union is supposed to be ramping up negotiations that will impact 70,000 members. Arbitration for AUPE government services, Alberta Health services nursing care and general support services began on June 11 and is now cancelled. Bargaining units for post-secondary education and government boards and agencies are also scheduled to begin arbitration. "This is authoritarian, this is ideological and it does nothing but create labour unrest," Smith said. He said that workers are ready to take action in response to the government's violation of their rights. "The level of anger amongst our members is something I haven't seen in years," he said.

The unions indicated that they will be meeting together in the days ahead to plan their course of action. As well, preparations are already underway to consider their legal options.

The AUPE Facebook page has a list of actions that people can take now. They include:

Contact Alberta's Labour Minister and let him know a deal's a deal. Using legislation to break the terms of a negotiated collective agreement isn't bargaining. It's bullying.

- By phone: Call Labour Minister Jason Copping at 780-638-9400 and call Finance Minister Travis Toews at 780-415-4855.

- By email: Email Labour Minister Jason Copping at and Finance Minister Travis Toews

- On Twitter: Tweet Labour Minister Jason Copping @JasonCoppingMLA and the United Conservative Party @Alberta_UCP. Use hashtag #ableg

Talk to your coworkers: Ask them how they feel about this illegal attack [on] your rights, your wages and your jobs. Talk about what you're prepared to do to take action. Show them how to join the fight.

Stay tuned: We'll be in touch as the situation develops with more news and more opportunities to have your voices heard!

Workers across Alberta and Canada should provide their full support in this fight which clearly reveals that the government is trying to get away with doing unacceptable things by making things legal, which is unjust and in contempt of what is meant by Rule of Law. Speak with your co-workers about what is at stake and to join in actions to demand that the Alberta and other governments cease and desist from their unacceptable assault on rights. Alberta  Bill 9 must be withdrawn!

Picket against Bill 9 in Wetaskiwin, June 14, 2019.

(With files from CBC and Edmonton Journal. Photos: AUPE, AFL)

This article was published in

Number 23 - June 20, 2019

Article Link:
Using What Is Legal Against What Is Just Shows Contempt for Rule of Law - Peggy Morton


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