No! to Legislated Attacks on Public Sector Workers"> No! to Legislated Attacks on Public Sector Workers">

Alberta Government Holds Rights of Workers in Contempt

Resounding No! to Legislated Attacks on Public Sector Workers

AFL President Gil McGowan and AUPE President Guy Smith speak to media from the legislature rotunda denouncing Bill 9.

The Kenney government introduced the Public Sector Wage Arbitration Deferral Act as Bill 9 in the Alberta Legislature on June 13. The legislation will "legalize" postponing scheduled and ongoing collective bargaining and arbitration for 180,000 public sector workers in Alberta, involving 24 collective agreements, until at least October 31 and in some cases to March 15, 2020. The Bill prohibits implementation of wage re-opener clauses in these agreements, which set out a date when the matter goes to arbitration if a negotiated settlement is not reached and a date by which the arbitration must be held.

According to the Kenney government, the Act provides only for a "procedural delay" until the government has received the report of its "blue ribbon" panel on the state of Alberta's finances due August 15. The government further claims that it does not violate public sector contracts. This is clearly false, as the bill breaches the provisions of the collective agreements of Alberta's nurses, teachers, health care workers, provincial government employees, and others.

By making it "legal" to dictate changes to a collective agreement, Bill 9 violates the right of all workers to a say and control over wages, conditions of work and their living standards generally, and at the very least the right to negotiate their terms of employment in a climate of equilibrium and not arbitrariness and dictate. It shows that far from upholding the rule of law, the government is prepared to tear up collective agreements and to act in utter contempt of the spirit and letter of the law. While public sector workers are the specific target of this attack, an attack on the legal rights of these workers is an attack against all workers.

According to Jason Kenney and the United Conservative Party (UCP), they won the election and therefore have a mandate to do whatever they please. On this basis the Kenney government is dredging up all the despised and discredited buzzwords of the Ralph Klein and Mike Harris era -- cutting red tape, making Alberta "open for business," "cutting waste," "finding efficiencies in government" and so on. It claims there is no alternative to cutting investments in social programs and attacking the workers who deliver them.

In claiming to speak for Albertans, the government is trying to present the opposition of public sector workers to this assault as a violation of the will of the people who have supposedly provided the ruling party with a mandate. But it is the entire working class which is being attacked when the right to a say in wages, living and working conditions is negated. Further, workers who deliver the public services which the people need to live a modern humane existence are the front line of defence of these services. Their resistance has proven crucial time and again in the fight against wrecking of public services including health care, education and seniors' care. The key issue facing the people is how to end the anti-social offensive, and on this there is no split between workers employed by the state or public agencies and those who sell their ability to work to private interests.

While successive governments hand over billions to the energy oligarchs and other rich private interests, the workers are told by successive governments that they must "do their bit" to reduce the deficit or balance the budget or else the government will use force against them. Public sector workers do service to society when they refuse to be put on the defensive as concerns their right to wages, benefits and security in retirement, and to working conditions which allow them to teach the youth, care for the sick, elderly and people with disabilities, protect the natural environment, look after the infrastructure and make society function every day.

The assault on the right to collectively negotiate wages, working and living conditions shows the extent of the destruction of politics and the profound crisis of the so-called democratic institutions which block the polity from collectively setting the direction for the economy and society. The wrecking of politics replaces inquiry, discussion and good-faith negotiations with wrecking, force and dictate and the use of police powers, all in the service of the financial oligarchy who exercise their domination over the economy and society.

The right of workers to negotiate collectively their terms of employment is a right that belongs to workers because of their essential role in production and contributions to society. This right cannot be denied or negated through legislation, or justified by appointing former politicians and others to Blue Ribbon Panels who advocate for neo-liberal assaults on workers. Depriving workers of their rights has the aim of diverting even more of the social wealth working people produce into the hand of the rich and forcing workers into unsustainable working conditions, which are increasingly precarious.

The Kenney government is attempting to negate the right of working people to negotiate terms of employment in a climate of equilibrium in which those who do the work have a say, which includes the right to say no. The government's aim is to "Charter-proof" its attack on the right to collectively negotiate terms of employment through a deceptive process to suppress the rights of public service workers while cutting the social programs and public services the people need for a modern humane existence. This is unacceptable in today's world and should never happen.

The Kenney government's assault is an attack on all working people. Workers' Forum calls on everyone to stand with the Alberta public sector workers in defence of rights and to say No! to dictate and illegality in the service of rich private interests.

(Photos: WF, OFL, AFL)

This article was published in

Number 23 - June 20, 2019

Article Link:
Alberta Government Holds Rights of Workers in Contempt: Resounding No! to Legislated Attacks on Public Sector Workers


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