We All Have Common Cause with the ABI Workers

Locked-out ABI workers rally at Quebec National Assembly March 27, 2019.

The struggle of the ABI workers must be supported because the unions are being attacked by the political class and the people in power who run the economy. For example, with regard to CUPW, we are continuously under special legislation. The unions are left with their hands tied, where they can no longer manoeuvre because their rights are denied through legislative provisions. That is what we are experiencing.

In the case of ABI, you have an employer who can take a position because the main, economic cost of that position is borne by the Quebec government. It is us Quebeckers who are footing the bill for ABI's electricity contract. When I went to the demonstration in front of the National Assembly with the workers of ABI, that was the issue at hand and Premier Legault is clearly not willing to take up his responsibility. In addition, Alcoa is a global empire, so it can have its aluminum produced elsewhere while we pay it to continue the lockout.

As for CUPW, we are under special legislation, which prevents us from undertaking pressure tactics, and our ongoing arbitration is constantly being postponed. It is May now and we have just learned that it has been postponed until December. We began our job actions in October 2018; then in November the government passed back-to-work legislation preventing us from waging job actions. As soon as a CUPW member would undertake a job action against Canada Post that affected mail delivery, we were hit with a fine of $50,000 a day, per member. We no longer have the right to undertake pressure tactics; our issues have been dragging on over time. That is where it becomes important to have other unions come out and assist and undertake job actions, as was the case with us.

As for the ABI workers, they have been locked out for sixteen months. In such a long fight, the financial aspect becomes very important. We gave them money and often had the union president come to our locals to explain where the conflict was at. Our locals participate in their picket lines. It is important, as there is no limit to the support we can provide them.

We must reinforce our union strength and fight for each other.

(Translated from original French by Workers' Forum. Photos: WF, Metallos.)

This article was published in

Number 19 - May 23, 2019

Article Link:
We All Have Common Cause with the ABI Workers >


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