Preparations Intensify for Mass Family Solidarity March with
Locked-Out ABI Workers

All Out to Make the May 25 March in Trois-Rivières a Grand Success!

ABI workers and allies demonstrated in the streets of Pittsburgh on May 8, 2019 where Alcoa's annual meeting of shareholders was being held.

Enthusiasm continues to mount amongst workers and their allies as the mass solidarity march for ABI locked out workers draws closer. Through our own efforts and unity in action let us make the march in Trois-Rivières this Saturday, May 25 at 10:30 am a significant event in defence of the working class and its rights!

The United Steelworkers report that preparations are going well. Many workers and people from different walks of life have already registered by reserving their seats on buses being provided by the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ). The buses will depart from several Quebec cities with contingents of workers having registered from as far away as Chibougamau in Northern Quebec, Rouyn-Noranda in Abitibi and various places on the North Shore.

The Ontario Steelworkers have announced their participation in the march. They have faced similar intransigence and dictate of the global monopolies that refuse to negotiate acceptable arrangements with their workers along with state-organized repressive measures such as court-ordered injunctions to deny effective picketing and bankruptcies to seize workers' pensions. They have organized buses to make the journey to Trois-Rivières and report bus seat reservations continue to come in with others planning to car pool.

As the event is family-oriented, the march itself will last about an hour to be followed by a lunch with hot dogs. This will allow people to socialize in a convivial atmosphere and engage in discussion as to the way forward for the working class in the face of the state-supported global power of the financial oligarchy.

For more information on the march or to book seats on a bus, click here.

(Photos: Metallos)

This article was published in

Number 19 - May 23, 2019

Article Link:
Preparations Intensify for Mass Family Solidarity March with : All Out to Make the May 25 March in Trois-Rivières a Grand Success!


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