36th Annual Ontario Injured Workers' Day

Province-Wide Actions Build Momentum for June 1 and "Workers' Comp Is a Right!" Campaign

36th Ontario Injured Workers' Day June 1

The organizations that make up the Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups (ONIWG) held a series of actions across the province on May 14 in the lead-up to the 36th Annual Injured Workers' Day rally at Queen's Park in Toronto, as well as in other cities on June 1.

The May 14 actions and the June 1 rallies build on the "Workers' Comp Is a Right Campaign" launched by ONIWG in 2017, to defend the rights of all by ensuring that all workers in Ontario are covered by the workers' compensation system and that the system provides injured workers with what they need to live in dignity. Workers' Forum calls on everyone to go all out to take part on June 1.

ONIWG explains that it launched the campaign "because we need to stand up to the injustices that are being committed against us as injured workers. For too long, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has gotten away with violating our rights through cutbacks and austerity, with no accountability. The system has been transformed from one that is supposed to support us, into one that is hostile to us.

"We refuse to accept this. We are taking a stand across Ontario to reclaim our voice, and to call for a strong, public workers' compensation system that operates according to its founding principles.

"With the Workers' Comp Is a Right campaign, we have injured workers throughout the entire province coming together and organizing around three key demands:

"1. No cuts based on phantom jobs!
2. Listen to injured workers' treating healthcare professionals!
3. Stop cutting benefits based on 'pre-existing conditions'!

"Together, we are powerful, and we have the collective strength to build our movement until we achieve these demands and see justice for injured workers."

May 14 Day of Action




Barrie; Thunder Bay

(Photos: WF, ONIWG, injuredworkersonline.org)

This article was published in

Number 18 - May 16, 2019

Article Link:
36th Annual Ontario Injured Workers' Day: Province-Wide Actions Build Momentum for June 1 and "Workers' Comp Is a Right!" Campaign


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