ABI Workers and Allies Present Their Case to Alcoa Shareholders at Pittsburgh Annual Meeting

Close to 200 ABI workers and allies demonstrated in the streets of Pittsburgh on May 8, where Alcoa's annual meeting of shareholders was being held. The demonstrators called for a negotiated agreement and an end to the 16-month lockout. Workers also addressed the shareholders' meeting, backing up their demand that the company negotiate a collective agreement acceptable to those who do the work.

Alcoa's headquarters are located in Pittsburgh. The fact that 200 of the 1,030 ABI workers made the 13-hour bus trip shows their determination to uphold the dignity of labour and their community.

The workers met with members of the Alcoa and Arconic unions in the United States to discuss their experience and share their concerns. Arconic was formed out of the splitting of Alcoa in 2016 into two separate entities. Alcoa has retained the extraction and production of bauxite and the production of alumina and primary aluminum while Arconic focuses on the processing of aluminum and other light metals into manufactured products for the aerospace, automobile and other sectors.

The workers also met with USW International President Leo Gerard, who said the union is pressuring Alcoa to sign a collective agreement that is acceptable to the ABI workers. Steelworkers in the U.S. are currently trying to negotiate a master agreement with Alcoa and Arconic. Gerard said the USW has told the employer representatives that the Bécancour conflict is damaging their own negotiations and making them more difficult.

ABI workers were accompanied by a delegation of steelworkers from the Rio Tinto aluminum smelter in Alma who are members of USW Local 9490. U.S. workers from Alcoa and Arconic joined with them to demonstrate in the streets of the city with flags and banners raised. They ended their demonstration in front of the doors of the hotel where the annual meeting of shareholders was being held.

Equipped with shareholders' proxies, workers intervened in the Alcoa meeting to tell shareholders that the lockout, which has now lasted more than 16 months, is unacceptable to all concerned. An international USW leader told shareholders that it is striking that the name Alcoa is associated with problems in so many places where it operates. He mentioned Australia, Spain and now Canada. In Australia in 2018, Alcoa demanded and received approval from the state Labour Relations Tribunal to cancel the collective agreement covering 1,500 workers. Alcoa and the state Tribunal used a fraudulent and arrogant pretext that the collective agreement does not allow the company to be flexible and competitive in global markets. At the end of 2018, Alcoa announced the closure of two smelters in Spain, provoking a fight that workers and their communities continue to wage.

Clément Masse, President of USW Local 9700 representing the ABI workers, also spoke at the shareholders' meeting. He told Workers' Forum that his speech raised the values that Alcoa claims to defend. "I told them that Alcoa says that one of the values it defends is the environment. I asked them 'what does Alcoa do with the social environment?' I told them that the social environment has deteriorated with the conflict that has affected the community. Many people are affected. This has to be taken into account too." President Masse also told shareholders that the Alcoa plant in Bécancour performs well, the workforce has great expertise, and shareholders are losing a lot of money for no reason. They have everything to gain by demanding Alcoa executives sign a negotiated agreement to end the lockout. Alcoa CEO Roy Harvey responded that he was concerned, but made no further comment.

According to Clément Masse, shareholders listened attentively to the message from the workers, and some came to shake hands with them following their intervention. ABI worker representatives also met with two executives from Alcoa's Pittsburgh headquarters and presented their concerns.

(Photos: Metallos)

This article was published in

Number 18 - May 16, 2019

Article Link:
ABI Workers and Allies Present Their Case to Alcoa Shareholders at Pittsburgh Annual Meeting


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