Join the Organized Fight for Safe and Healthy Working Conditions; Smash The Silence!

The struggle of workers for safe and healthy working conditions is waged to guarantee this as a basic right for all workers. For this to occur, workers must have a say and control over their working conditions. Workers reject the dictate that they have no role to play in determining their conditions of work. They reject the state-organized view of the ruling oligarchs that because workers sell their capacity to work to them, workers lose any right to a say over the conditions at the workplace and how work is organized. The oligarchs want a free hand to do what they want with the human being from whom they buy their capacity to work. Workers reject and will never accept this slave mentality.

Workers are organizing to smash the silence about their conditions, both amongst themselves at their workplaces and in public as well. They are explaining what their issues are and how they are fighting for themselves and the broad public and society. They oppose the disinformation of the monopoly-controlled mass media and are putting forward demands that will change the situation in their favour and open a path towards a society fit for human beings.

The participation of all is required in actions with analysis to build a united and organized force in defence of workers' rights. Within the situation, activists are increasingly conscious of the need to avoid being caught in various traps designed by the monopolies and governments in their service to paralyze their initiative. One such example is confining and tying up workers' organizations in the endless filing of grievances, fighting arbitrations and appealing to the imperialists to change their ways.

Aside from keeping issues hidden from co-workers and the public, the confining of struggles to traditional methods drains the finances of unions. In the current atmosphere of monopoly dictate and refusal to negotiate, organized workers are increasingly taking their fight into the arena of public opinion, to affirm and defend their rights such as the right to safe and healthy working conditions as well as their right to compensation at a Canadian standard in the face of increasing workplace injuries and work-related illness.

This article was published in

Number 15 - April 25, 2019

Article Link:
Join the Organized Fight for Safe and Healthy Working Conditions; Smash The Silence!


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