April 28, Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job

Affirm the Right of All Workers to Safe and Healthy Working Conditions!

On the occasion of April 28, the Day of Mourning, workers across the country are holding ceremonies and meetings, and observing minutes of silence to mourn fellow workers killed on the job and to affirm the right of the living to safe and healthy working conditions.

The organized actions are an expression of the deep desire of the working class to humanize the workplace. Workers realize that the fight of the living to ensure safe and healthy working conditions comes up against the aim of those who own and control the imperialist economy to expropriate maximum profit from the value workers produce. This means that without a change in the direction and aim of the economy to one that serves and guarantees the well-being and security of the working people, the workplace remains a battleground where workers themselves, organized into their collectives, must wage constant struggles to ensure their health and safety on the job, and for humane and compassionate care for those injured and made sick on the job and for the families of workers who have been killed.

Workers' Forum salutes and supports all actions workers take to affirm their right to safe and healthy working conditions and for humane and compassionate care for those injured or made sick on the job and the families of those killed. These initiatives in the present to humanize the workplace and care for fallen workers are crucial in preparing the subjective conditions to change the direction and aim of the economy to one favouring the working people.

Workers' Forum is a voice for workers and makes its pages available to all who are fighting to defend the rights and security of all and for a pro-social direction for the country. Let us together organize and make April 28 an even more powerful expression of the desire and right of the working class for safe and healthy working conditions and the most humane care for the injured and the families of workers killed on the job. Let us step up the work to elaborate, defend and fight for the implementation of working and social conditions that are fit for a modern society, and for a pro-social aim and direction for the economy.

This article was published in

Number 15 - April 25, 2019

Article Link:
April 28, Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job: Affirm the Right of All Workers to Safe and Healthy Working Conditions!


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